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Heartburn Issues

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Hi all, I am new to this site but thought I would check it out since there doesn't seem to be to much communication on my Dr's site. I live in the Kenai Peninsula area of Alaska & there isn't a support group here for Bandsters.


I had surgery 12/12/08 & have been doing pretty good with everything. I have plateaued since July & had a fill the 28th of October but haven't seen any wt loss since. I am experiencing some heartburn/indigestion recently. I think that is what it is, I don't know. I thought I would do some research first. I had heartburn before I had surgery & then it instantly went away but for the past week I have noticed a weird feeling & I am doing a lot of purging since my last fill. It doesn't matter what I eat I get this feeling like it's heartburn. Has anyone else had this type of problem & if so what did you do?

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Hi all, I am new to this site but thought I would check it out since there doesn't seem to be to much communication on my Dr's site. I live in the Kenai Peninsula area of Alaska & there isn't a support group here for Bandsters.

I had surgery 12/12/08 & have been doing pretty good with everything. I have plateaued since July & had a fill the 28th of October but haven't seen any wt loss since. I am experiencing some heartburn/indigestion recently. I think that is what it is, I don't know. I thought I would do some research first. I had heartburn before I had surgery & then it instantly went away but for the past week I have noticed a weird feeling & I am doing a lot of purging since my last fill. It doesn't matter what I eat I get this feeling like it's heartburn. Has anyone else had this type of problem & if so what did you do?

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A lot of purging since your last fill isn't normal. I think it's definitely a good idea to contact your doctor. I've read others with the same problems as you, and they needed a slight unfill to alleviate their purging and burning. Oh, and I have to say -- I vacations on the Kenai Peninsula this summer (first time to Alaska) and it was SO beautiful. You live in some awesome awesome country, for sure!! Good luck with your difficulties, and I hope you can get some relief ... SOON!

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Call your doc...if you're vomiting a lot and have heartburn you're too tight. This can be dangerous if it goes on too long. Best wishes! -BG

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