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Just got band filled....I'm frustrated and have questions

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I just got my first fill on Wednesday but still don't really feel restricted to how much I can eat. He told me that if I didn't lose at least 4 lbs this month to come back for another fill. How has everyone else done after their first fill? Did you feel restricted right away or does it take a few times getting a fill? I am so frustrated because I thought that after I got my fill, I'd really start to feel like I'd start losing weight. Need suggestions, comments please!!!

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I just got my first fill on Wednesday but still don't really feel restricted to how much I can eat. He told me that if I didn't lose at least 4 lbs this month to come back for another fill. How has everyone else done after their first fill? Did you feel restricted right away or does it take a few times getting a fill? I am so frustrated because I thought that after I got my fill, I'd really start to feel like I'd start losing weight. Need suggestions, comments please!!!

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I hear you , I had the same problem. I got my first fill on 10/28/09 and did not feel any restrictions and still don't . I called my doctor and scheduled another appointment to get more cc's hopefully. I go back to the doctor on Tuesday . He only put in 2 cc's which is not a lot from what I understand. How many cc's did you get?

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I also had my first fill. I had 3 cc's my band holds 12. I do not feel any restrictions. I am still losing weight about 2 pounds a week.

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I did not feel much restriction after my first fill. I have had three now and let me tell you, I am going for a check up on Monday and NO WAY will I let them give me a fill. After the third one I can only eat about a half a cup if that. It is hard to keep it all down. Do not rush it. Enjoy the fact you can eat I am starting to wonder if I need an un-fill? I just seem tighter everyday. I do not know why either. I am most tight in the morning and breakfast is about 10:00-am. Then a light lunch at noon, small dinner at 6:30. I miss eating food and I miss eating lots of it. I am trying to be happy but it is hard when my food always feels like it is in my throat and I do not know if it will come up or go down so I wait. imaluckydog and Just remembering how nice it was after my first fill and I could still eat. So enjoy where you are Best wishes imaluckydog

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I go for my 1st fill 11/16/09 and I hope he gives me some restriction, I am very hunry now and I won't eat because I did this to lose weight.

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I am not quite sure how many cc's he put in because he said he doesn't go by cc's but by how you feel when it's being filled....and at the time I had some tightness and he took some out and it went away, so he stopped. I almost feel like he took out all that he put in. I started exercising a bit and am going to give it this month, but I really wanted that restriction from eating too much, like you guys, I did this to help lose weight. Obviously if I could have done it on my own, I wouldn't have had the surgery.

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Hi all: just beginning to research if this is for me? ? I'm scared & excited at the thought of doing it. To those of you that had the surgery -- honestly would you do it all again if you had the choice?

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:confused: Hi granny of 10: I am a granny of 4. Trying to make a decision whether or not this is for me. Would you do it over again? Are there alot of digestive problems along with the post surgery recouperation period?

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Christine t - to answer your question, yes I would do it all over again....although I've just had my first fill and am not really restriced yet, I'm looking forward to my weight loss. I haven't had any digestive problems at all and recovery after surgery was about a 1 before I felt "normal" again. It's a big decision to have the surgery, you just need to make sure that it's for you. Good luck.

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ok I can't type, I meant to say that "recover after surgery was about a week before I felt normal again"

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