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9 Days Banded!!!!

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:tongue_smilie:Okay so I am coming up on 9 days!! Whew-Hew and I am continuing to stay encouraged feeling more positive than ever that this band is going to do wonders for my self-esteem and health. Although I did this just for me I can tell that my man:wub: is enjoying the 17lbs that I have lost he has also made comments on the energy that I how I've been wanting to get out more!!! This all is a result of me feeling good!!! I will continue to give off positive energy and enjoy all the positive response! I am also in the gym now so watch owt!!!!:smile2:



Love, Live, Life... :huh2:

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:tongue_smilie:Okay so I am coming up on 9 days!! Whew-Hew and I am continuing to stay encouraged feeling more positive than ever that this band is going to do wonders for my self-esteem and health. Although I did this just for me I can tell that my man:wub: is enjoying the 17lbs that I have lost he has also made comments on the energy that I how I've been wanting to get out more!!! This all is a result of me feeling good!!! I will continue to give off positive energy and enjoy all the positive response! I am also in the gym now so watch owt!!!!:)

Love, Live, Life... :)

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I am 15 days post opt and have lost 20 lbs. I am sooo happy that I made this decision. Where are you located? We should keep in touch since we are sooo close in surgery dates. Good luck and congrats!

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Hey- can you guys give me some ideas of what you are eating through out the day. I had my band done in Sept. and I am down 20 lbs, but I still find myself hungry! Any help would be appreciated.

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