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day one of preop diet

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This isnt going very well, i remember why I have never done well on diets! I gaged on the optifast drink this morning, could only handle 2 cups of coffee. I have to do this but I just dont know if I can!

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This isnt going very well, i remember why I have never done well on diets! I gaged on the optifast drink this morning, could only handle 2 cups of coffee. I have to do this but I just dont know if I can!

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I haven't started my preop diet, probably next week or week after. I am not looking forward to it either, also not ever done well on diets, this time I have to or I'm not going to be around to see my grandchildren grow up. But most of all I need to do this for me and my health. So we say to ourselves, I Can Do This. No more negative thoughts, if we get hungry we go for a walk, do anything to keep busy so we don't go to the refrig.. We can do this. Positive thoughts no more negativenism. Our new motto is "We can do it". I'll post when I start, and keep watching for your post. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!

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Hey there....I am now post-op 3 weeks and feeling amazing..lost 17 lbs!!! I only had a one day pre-op, so if yours is longer, I can understand your frustration. Apparently you are allowed protein shakes, so I reccomend ordering UNJURY protein powder. YUMMY...chocolate and vanilla. Staples I have used since post-op, and to this day I am still having one a day. It is BANSTER HELL that you are in, but think of the light at the end of the tunnel...a thinner, healthier, happier you.... And it can also prepare you for immediatly following surgery which you will be on full liquids for a time.

You just have to set your mind to it and keep the faith. YES it is hard...trust me, I have 3 kids who went trick or treating and now I have nothing but loads of candy in front of me and I have yet to have ONE piece. It's all about will power!!!

Coffee isnt gonna cut it for you because, if allowed, you need some sort of protein to fill you up. You will soon see how you CAN do it!!! BE POSITIVE!!! This is a life-changing event you are embarking on and you need to be prepared....for all of its stages. You can find on here helpful info, recipes, and other issues you may be going thru or need help with!!!

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am hoping around the 20th of Nov. I see my Dr. on the 11th and I will know for sure then. I have had to post pone it twice getting other test done to see if I could have it at all. So now it's a go. Just see the Dr. for the second time and get my date. I can't wait, the sooner the better. I dread the post op no food portion of it, that's the hard part, but I want it really bad so I know I will do it. You can too. You will be banded by the time I go in for mine, you can let me know how the whole process went. I wish you all the best and remember it's hard but you can do it. Keep in touch

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I will be starting my pre op liquid protein shake diet this cominig Monday. I tried one yesterday just to see how it tasted. I definately was hungry when I got home from work. So I'm going back and forth fighting to cram in all the "bad" stuff I can before I can't vs. trying to get real and use this time to wean myself down to just the shakes. My surgery is scheduled for Nov. 23.

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HI EVERYONE, I have been on the preop diet for 3 days now pending banding 12/10. Mine consists of 2 protein powders with coconut oil a day (yuck) and a meal of 6 oz lean protein and a vegetable. I think I have food withdrawal--not all that hungry but feeling really strange and foggy. I don't know why I have a month of this to do--my BMI is 38--but I am going to anyway because I am nervous about having adhesions from previous surgery and not being able to get the band. I guess it is a kind of karmic bargaining--if I follow the diet twice as long as everyone else I will have been so GOOD that I will get the band. Also I am paying for this myself so I am double nervous. I hate the shakes--I would rather ear protein only like Atkins.

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Hello all! I am 8 days post op. Curious...I wasn't put on ANY liquid or protein 'diet' before my surgery. I did, however, on my own lose 38 pounds since march by counting calories and moving! I am now having a difficult time with the whole protein powder thing. Everything I've done with is is awful! I can't eat it. I can only drink the pre made shakes, which are very expensive. I paid 75 dollars on the powder and I'm not eating any of it! Today I ate 14 cheeze it crackers, one at a time until it turned to mush, but it was scarry-I was so hungry! Any advice from anyone here???

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