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Well, call me a monkey's uncle...

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So, I finally got sleep last night. Turns out Advil and heating pads do make a difference. Who would have thought that adding a little Advil to Hydrocone would make any difference?!?


It's day 3. Things are both better and worse. The gas pain is almost completely gone, and the incision sites are less painful. However, all of my compensating with my other muscles means that every muscle in my body is screaming "We're not build for this you crazy woman!"

My bruises have gone from a dark purple to a splotchy red color. In fact, looking at my incision, it reminds of the fake scars they put on actors in horror movies... all bumpy and blotchy. Yep, I have movie make up on my belly. Yay.

The best part of all of this is I was finally able to sleep last night - and a good portion of today. I'm still walking an drinking fluids and everything, but oh, precious sleep, you have returned to me!


I made the serious mistake of not listening to my doctor and trying logic. FYI, logic will fail you if you only plan to use it to make things easier. You see, I know I'm supposed to crush my pills... but even putting them in grape juice, I can still taste the yuck. So, I decided, why not just cut them into little bitty pieces and they'll slide right though.

Yeah, that didn't work. They clogged the hole. I had to take a sip of water, wait for it to slowly pass through the pile up (taking little granuals with it) before taking another sip. 30 mintues later, I finally got everything through. I'll be crushing pills from now on, bad taste and all.


All in all, not a bad day today. I still feel like someone cut me open, but it doesn't hurt when I'm lying still. Tomorrow is going to be intersting. Halloween. Passing out candy at my mom's house - without eating any - and wearing a costume (very loose, I assure you), and makeup and the whole shabang. Should be a good 'workout'.


Speaking of tomorrow's activities, I'd better get to bed. The more you sleep, the faster you heal, right?


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So, I finally got sleep last night. Turns out Advil and heating pads do make a difference. Who would have thought that adding a little Advil to Hydrocone would make any difference?!?

It's day 3. Things are both better and worse. The gas pain is almost completely gone, and the incision sites are less painful. However, all of my compensating with my other muscles means that every muscle in my body is screaming "We're not build for this you crazy woman!"

My bruises have gone from a dark purple to a splotchy red color. In fact, looking at my incision, it reminds of the fake scars they put on actors in horror movies... all bumpy and blotchy. Yep, I have movie make up on my belly. Yay.

The best part of all of this is I was finally able to sleep last night - and a good portion of today. I'm still walking an drinking fluids and everything, but oh, precious sleep, you have returned to me!

I made the serious mistake of not listening to my doctor and trying logic. FYI, logic will fail you if you only plan to use it to make things easier. You see, I know I'm supposed to crush my pills... but even putting them in grape juice, I can still taste the yuck. So, I decided, why not just cut them into little bitty pieces and they'll slide right though.

Yeah, that didn't work. They clogged the hole. I had to take a sip of water, wait for it to slowly pass through the pile up (taking little granuals with it) before taking another sip. 30 mintues later, I finally got everything through. I'll be crushing pills from now on, bad taste and all.

All in all, not a bad day today. I still feel like someone cut me open, but it doesn't hurt when I'm lying still. Tomorrow is going to be intersting. Halloween. Passing out candy at my mom's house - without eating any - and wearing a costume (very loose, I assure you), and makeup and the whole shabang. Should be a good 'workout'.

Speaking of tomorrow's activities, I'd better get to bed. The more you sleep, the faster you heal, right?


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What great news. I can only imagine that you must be feeling relieved with all of this starting to subside.

The other one - in addition to the more you sleep the faster you heal - is the more you move. Make sure you are walking and keeping all the muscles active. The increased blood activity, even for short periods, can also help heal faster.

Good night...

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Hi, Sounds like you are on the UP SWING!!!! Yay for you.. Keep on moving. The good attitude will help you survive this. It has been rather traumatic on your body remember. The activity will help and eating the candy will not. I already made that mistake. The pill thing stinks I guess I had liquid meds when I left the hospital. Just take them one at a time so they do not all pile up. Keep blogging it is so helpful and many of us your LB family can so relate we have all been there and done that. I would not be where I am today if did not have my LB friends and family posting and commenting on my blogs. Best wishes and keep doing all that is recommended as this tool is so amazing. imaluckydog

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What great news. I can only imagine that you must be feeling relieved with all of this starting to subside.

The other one - in addition to the more you sleep the faster you heal - is the more you move. Make sure you are walking and keeping all the muscles active. The increased blood activity' date=' even for short periods, can also help heal faster.

Good night...[/quote']

Oh, I'm moving all right. I get up at least every hour and walk the length of my apartment a few times. And at tonight's Halloween thing, I'll be up and down with candy - but no, I won't be having any... what's the point of candy if you can't chew and swallow? I'll stick to my juices, water, and chicken broth. :)

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I am so happy that you are feeling better! Keep up the good work, and enjoy handing out candy tonight, I know I will!

Happy Halloween, and keep feeling better!

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