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Why do people treat others differently when they are fat?

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People in this world can be so cruel and out right mean. I am very over weight and find that people treat me differently than a skinny person is treated. I was resently on a plane flyng on vacation. On the plane know one wanted me to set by them be cause of my size. Finally the stewardest said to the people on the plan, "this lady needs a seat can some one please scoot over". I had never been so humiliated and embarrased in all my life! So I sat next to this couple and cried my eyes out. They were very rude and had no empathy. They laughed while I was cring and pretened that something was funny outside the airplane window :crying:.

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People in this world can be so cruel and out right mean. I am very over weight and find that people treat me differently than a skinny person is treated. I was resently on a plane flyng on vacation. On the plane know one wanted me to set by them be cause of my size. Finally the stewardest said to the people on the plan, "this lady needs a seat can some one please scoot over". I had never been so humiliated and embarrased in all my life! So I sat next to this couple and cried my eyes out. They were very rude and had no empathy. They laughed while I was cring and pretened that something was funny outside the airplane window :).

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Gee..I am sorry you had such a bad experience. I do understand about some people being so insensitive to overweight folks...it is really sad. But good luck with your weightloss! Think positive!

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I didnt mean to send that I wasnt finished lol. Its not better because you/I am better but becauseof the way you are treated. I remember having car trouble about 10 years ago right after I had lost 100 pounds. to be honest I was pretty attractive, decent body, people were stopping right and left to offer help, women and men, didnt make sense to me, like some how I was more trust worthy, a more decent person , better or something it was crazy. Even my family treated me differently fat. I just want to scream at people and say I am the same person I was when I was skinny what is wrong with you? Now I am on my way to a healthy life permenanty this time, I will never forget who or where I was. All I can do is try and look at people for what and who they are inside not what they are on the outside. I am sure that what you have been thru has made you an incredibly compassionate wonderful person. I am sorry if you have been hurt. I guarentee you are beautiful inside and out. Try not to get so angry at the "beautiful" people. I am learning that those that seem to have it all, looks, money nice job, beautiful spouses, are often the ones who drink themselves silly every night, cheat to make themselves feel better, never feel satisfaction in what they do and put down every one else in the world to make them selves feel better. Being skinny will not make you a more loving person better a better parent or more compassionate friend however everythint you have been thru will.Being thin is about being the healthiest person you can be and you are worth it. God bless you and all you do.

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I cannot understand why people behave this way. Yes, we are treated differently. We are going to do something about it and lose weight. And when we see someone overweight will not treat them bad. I know how you feel. Let's lose this weight!!! :)

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Chin up! i have had that experience too. But i was treaveling with 3 small kids so it was a bit stressfull, i had no time to sit and cry... when one of my kids starting crying on the plane i comfort him but was glad that the rude people around me wehre getting headaches!!

Hopefully next tiem i get on a plane i will not need a seatbelt extender!

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Girl, I get fat jokes all the tiem. I'm at the point where I don't give a shit! REally! cause I feel if you can laugh at me...you have nothign better to do with your time..I'm working on my weight loss and once I get to 150 lbs..I will be happy and complete with myself..you're doing this for you..and no one else.let the haters know..I'm big and beautiful now..and once I'm skinny..I'll be skinny and beautiful..nothing changed but the size..stay ab eatuiful person..don't let NO ONE see you sweat beautiful!

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I had a horrible experience on a plane from Dallas to Orange County over Christmas last year. Since then I'm more sensitive to looks, whispers, conversations. There was a big show on TNT or CNN about America, Overweight. This guy who is the President of Cleveland Clinic said he would not hire an obese person -- cost him too much money, not as productive. Ouch.

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