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Help! Gas pain like you cannot believe - 4 days post op

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Well after a long battle with my insurance company, I was finally approved for surgery and was banded Thursday Oct 22nd. I am having the worst gas pains. Can anyone tell me what to do other than walk it off. Please tell me this subsides. Any help would be appreciated.

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Well after a long battle with my insurance company, I was finally approved for surgery and was banded Thursday Oct 22nd. I am having the worst gas pains. Can anyone tell me what to do other than walk it off. Please tell me this subsides. Any help would be appreciated.

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Hey there!

It gets better i promise!!! just walk i know everyone says that but its so true. I walked so much and my Gas pains just went away. Also if you lift your arms above your head..haha It helped me but dont worry all of a sudden it will just stop. Good luck

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Yes it does get better every day. Gas ex is s God send seriusly, try it. You will be mad you did not try it three days earlier. God bless and good luck on your journey. welcome to the family.

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hey there....i had terrible gas pains beginning the day after surgery while i was still in the hospital...the nurse told me to walk and take gas-x chewables....and to be honest...it did FINALLY go awat after almost a week....subsiding a little more each day. I think that was the worst part of all of this!!!! hang in there....it gets soooo much better!!!! welcome to the Banster Club!!!

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Thanks! This has been the hardest part. The incision pain was nothing. Hanging in there and trying to walk, walk, walk. Tried gas X for the first time yesterday, but had some of the worst pains to date afterwards. Will keep plugging...like I have a choice :) LOL

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omg... i'm sooo with you. my incisions and my abdomen werent sore at all. its the damn gas that's killing me. i too was banded on the 22nd!! im still battling it. the on the phone nurse says its normal and should pass. im hoping that is soon!

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Hello All! I Just got the Adjust. Band on the 28th of Oct. I'm having a hard time drinking protein drinks! I can barely drink one. I'm starving, but holding on. I added slim fast to plain coffee just to help me get it down. I'm also very sore. It hurts me to lay on my side. Does this have anything to do with the removal of a hernia that was found during my surgery? And my back hurst like hell!!

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I want to share with you that the gas has about 80% subsided. I will have to say the walking for more than 10 minutes 3-4 times a day certainly helped along with the gas X. So if you are just starting this journey, hang in, it will pass.

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