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5 Days Post op!

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Hi Everyone!!

My surgery is over!!! and it was a success. I had it MOnday and im doing better everyday. There is some soreness and pain when i inhale but other than that, Im ok! What are some things I need to look forward to as far as my diet?? I wanna be prepared! I have started fat free cream based soups. very slowly....But I have not really been hungry

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Hi Everyone!!

My surgery is over!!! and it was a success. I had it MOnday and im doing better everyday. There is some soreness and pain when i inhale but other than that, Im ok! What are some things I need to look forward to as far as my diet?? I wanna be prepared! I have started fat free cream based soups. very slowly....But I have not really been hungry

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Hi Kelleee, I never feel hunger. I have to eat at set times and small amounts and eat really slow. It works for me ;-) You will find what works for you. I remember the inside of me took longer to heal, I would feel pulls and slight pain and then a sharp pain or a tug. It is a matter of time. Take good care of yourself and follow the Bandster nutrition rules and the pounds will melt away. This has been the best tool for me. imaluckydog Kathy

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Hia Kellee, I am 7 days post op and other than discomfort no real pain as such. The first two days were however, very painful for me. On slimfast milkshakes and soups for 10 days then baby food for the rest of the month post-op until my first fill which will be on 26 November. Quite interested to know what people are eating once on solids.

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