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Running, Size Changes, and Getting Adjusted

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Hi Everyone!


I'm happy to report that I started and finished the Couch-to-5k running program, and on Saturday, October 17th, I ran my first 5k race! It was called the Penguin 5k, and raises funds for the Penguins at Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut.


Since I'd completed the Couch-to-5k program - a 9 week program that takes you from walking and no running to running 3 miles - I figured I was ready for a race. I took longer than 9 weeks to complete the program because I repeated some weeks when I felt I wasn't ready. That was one of the smartest things I've ever done - it let me complete the program injury-free.


The race was fun - a bright, clear day, lots of other runners around. The course went from asphalt (roads) through a field (plowed / cleared but still bumpy and a bit muddy from recent rains) and then up a hill (tree roots, rocks, and more soft dirt - oh my!), through a subdivision (killer hill there) and into a cul-de-sac, where we turned around and ran back. When the race started, I kinda figured I'd be at the back of the pack, so to speak, and I was right! :eek:


The "rabbits" took off in a bunch - they were really fast compared to me. There were some people who walked the course, and there was me and a couple of others, running slowly and chugging along.


I finished the race in 45:10 - slower than I'd thought I would, but I was happy to finish! :lol: I was second-to-last, but the cheers from my fellow racers along the way and the thumbs-up I got from the volunteers along the route helped me to feel great about finishing. :wub:


I'm going to continue to run, and while I may not do another race before Winter sets in, I'm already thinking about next spring and what races I'd like to do. I have a goal to reduce my time by 10% for the next 5k.


My weight is pretty stable at 191 lbs, and I'm okay with that. My size keeps dropping, though - I am now fitting into size 14's (depending on label) and some size L clothes from Target. I'm so excited I can barely stand it - these are wonderful NSV's! I think my body has to have time to adjust to what I've done to it :huh2:


I'm able to control the hunger so far - though I know that's as much a function of my band, "Jillian" as it is of my "willpower". I'm eating more protein and trying to balance the carbohydrates. I'm close to getting off my diabetes meds and I'm hoping November will be not only my 1 year Bandiversary, but also the month I leave the meds behind.


I'm also adjusting my "head" - occasionally I am still surprised when I walk past a mirror and see the new, thinner me. I still think of myself as "plus-sized", though I really don't fit that designation any more. I've been a Big Girl for so long that when someone refers to me as "skinny", I often don't know who they are talking about!


The head journey is going to be the longest part of this - while my body is adjusting, my head also needs to adjust, and so far, my head is lagging behind...


Right now I am nursing a sore right hip - think I overdid it a bit on the race :blush: but that's not going to stop me from continuing to run and continuing to run this race to fitness and health.


If you are not yet banded, I encourage you to do your research and determine if this is right for you.


If you are banded and struggling, talk to your doctor, your nutritionist or a counselor, and get yourself back on track - you CAN succeed at this!


If you are loving your banded life as I am, and making progress toward your ultimate goal of health and well-being, then GOOD FOR YOU and keep up the good work! :)


Till next time...:wub:

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Hi Everyone!

I'm happy to report that I started and finished the Couch-to-5k running program, and on Saturday, October 17th, I ran my first 5k race! It was called the Penguin 5k, and raises funds for the Penguins at Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut.

Since I'd completed the Couch-to-5k program - a 9 week program that takes you from walking and no running to running 3 miles - I figured I was ready for a race. I took longer than 9 weeks to complete the program because I repeated some weeks when I felt I wasn't ready. That was one of the smartest things I've ever done - it let me complete the program injury-free.

The race was fun - a bright, clear day, lots of other runners around. The course went from asphalt (roads) through a field (plowed / cleared but still bumpy and a bit muddy from recent rains) and then up a hill (tree roots, rocks, and more soft dirt - oh my!), through a subdivision (killer hill there) and into a cul-de-sac, where we turned around and ran back. When the race started, I kinda figured I'd be at the back of the pack, so to speak, and I was right! :eek:

The "rabbits" took off in a bunch - they were really fast compared to me. There were some people who walked the course, and there was me and a couple of others, running slowly and chugging along.

I finished the race in 45:10 - slower than I'd thought I would, but I was happy to finish! :lol: I was second-to-last, but the cheers from my fellow racers along the way and the thumbs-up I got from the volunteers along the route helped me to feel great about finishing. :wub:

I'm going to continue to run, and while I may not do another race before Winter sets in, I'm already thinking about next spring and what races I'd like to do. I have a goal to reduce my time by 10% for the next 5k.

My weight is pretty stable at 191 lbs, and I'm okay with that. My size keeps dropping, though - I am now fitting into size 14's (depending on label) and some size L clothes from Target. I'm so excited I can barely stand it - these are wonderful NSV's! I think my body has to have time to adjust to what I've done to it :huh2:

I'm able to control the hunger so far - though I know that's as much a function of my band, "Jillian" as it is of my "willpower". I'm eating more protein and trying to balance the carbohydrates. I'm close to getting off my diabetes meds and I'm hoping November will be not only my 1 year Bandiversary, but also the month I leave the meds behind.

I'm also adjusting my "head" - occasionally I am still surprised when I walk past a mirror and see the new, thinner me. I still think of myself as "plus-sized", though I really don't fit that designation any more. I've been a Big Girl for so long that when someone refers to me as "skinny", I often don't know who they are talking about!

The head journey is going to be the longest part of this - while my body is adjusting, my head also needs to adjust, and so far, my head is lagging behind...

Right now I am nursing a sore right hip - think I overdid it a bit on the race :blush: but that's not going to stop me from continuing to run and continuing to run this race to fitness and health.

If you are not yet banded, I encourage you to do your research and determine if this is right for you.

If you are banded and struggling, talk to your doctor, your nutritionist or a counselor, and get yourself back on track - you CAN succeed at this!

If you are loving your banded life as I am, and making progress toward your ultimate goal of health and well-being, then GOOD FOR YOU and keep up the good work! :)

Till next time...:wub:

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How inspiring you are!! I walk quite a bit, but am waiting for my weight to get down a little more before I start the Couch to 5K, which I think is a great program! I'm 195 now, but was kind of thinking about not doing the jogging part until maybe around 185 -- my joints hurt a lot, and I feel like it would be so much weight to be jarring around. But I'm so proud to hear how you did on your race -- and maybe I'll start it sooner than I think! Thanks for sharing it!

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Hi arkansasbandster,

Thank you so much for the compliment! I was a little leery of trying to run as well - I started the c25k at over 200 lbs - but by taking it slow, I was able to do it just fine. Don't be afraid to repeat a week if you need to, and make sure to get fitted for GOOD running shoes. Since you've said your joints do hurt, definately take it easy - I'd hate for an injury to sideline you for a while and slow down your progress.

@jollygreen thank you! I was (and am) really excited that I finished the race. Think I'll try a 10k next spring, depending on how my training goes this winter...yep, I'm a little bit crazy! LOL

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