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2nd day post-op

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Well, today is day two. I am pretty sore- especially at the port site/inscision area. Did anyone else experience that? I have been sipping water and walk walk walking! Things seep to be going pretty well though. How are the rest of the October bandsters doing?


I also truly appreciate the words of encouragement and advice from those that have been banded.


thanks so much....talk to you all soon.


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Well, today is day two. I am pretty sore- especially at the port site/inscision area. Did anyone else experience that? I have been sipping water and walk walk walking! Things seep to be going pretty well though. How are the rest of the October bandsters doing?

I also truly appreciate the words of encouragement and advice from those that have been banded.

thanks so much....talk to you all soon.


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Hi Leslie...Congratulations! You are all done! I had mine done the day before yours..13th. I can tell you that tomorrow you will probably feel pretty good. Big difference for me today.

I am struggling getting all the protein and water in...but little by little it should be ok. Only took 1 pain pill the night of the surgery..

Sounds like you are doing great!

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I was banded on the 12th. Feeling pretty good the port site is a little tender. The protein is a problem for me. It makes me feel sick. Best wishes to you!

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I was banded on the 13th also. I am sore and I am hungry. Right now I still question whether I did the right thing. It is really hard to watch my family eat whatever they want and I am on chicken broth and sugar free popsicles. I know it will turn out ok, but it just hurts right now. I know it it is a matter of hanging in there, good luck to you.

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Each day will get easier then occassionally out of the blue you may have a day where you will be really sore for no reason and feel like you have been hit by a truck. You had major surgery, dont expect too much too quick. I was banded May 28th and there are days when my port sight is really really sensitive to the touch. It is wierd. Sounds like you are doing great. God bless.

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I was banded on the 6th and still feels strange. The only place that bothers me is where the port is, every now and then the muscle burns. I know that we're suppose to get the walking in but when i push myself, I get nausated. I'm on my second week and my husband is my rock, my words of encouragement. It'll get easier, this I know cuz I share a house with several adults and they all cook, the smells are so tempting but at the end of the day, it's all about ME.

Take care and wish you the best of luck.

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Thanks to you all!!!! we can get through this together for sure. It's great that we have this place to come for support outside of those in our family. my port site is the thing that hurts the most, and the feeling of the need to burp. we shall keep moving ever onward!!! best of luck to you all- i will post again soon. Leslie

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Hi everyone....I am new to this. I was banded on the 13th, and in a lotta pain, both incision site and weird gas pains in my arms. I am very excited and motivated,,,and at the same time feel full and not able to get in all the liquid requirement.....well, just wanted to say hi and I;m excited to have this place to come and just vent and look for tips!!!

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My protein is the best. It's 100% whey protein from GNC. pro performance. mixes great, not chalky.

I was banded on the 8th. so we are all close together.

Good Luck!

Try the shake from GNC. Oh and buy the shaker with the wire circle wisk...i promise it's like drinking chocolate milk!

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Hi, I also had my surgery on the 13th. I felt horrible yesterday, I had a hard time breathing and I have not been able to sleep. I feel much better today, the breathing is better but my neck and back are killing me. I think it's all the gas. I didn't know I had to drink the protein drinks still..yuck. I am very excited and can't wait to see what the future holds.

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Hi, I was also banded on the 13th and I am doing much better, I too have pain on my left side where the port is, but other than that I am doing well besides the gas, still sticking around. Trying to resume to my normal activities and not trying to over do it, I have 2 little ones 2 and 4 and they want to take care of me. I love them soo much. Keep up the good work banders.

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