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I got my surgery date!!!!!

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ok so i finally got my surgery date.. it took me about 4 months to get my last appt to see my surgeon and as soon as i seen him it was a 30 min talk and BAM!! he asked me when i wanted to do the surgery and i said today so then he booked the next op-en day he had.. so on OCtober 28 i will be banded.. i am sooo excited... he didnt put me on any special diet or n e thing.. basiclly just come in the day before and run some tests then the next day i have the surgery...


Cant wait to get banded and start this process.:confused:

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ok so i finally got my surgery date.. it took me about 4 months to get my last appt to see my surgeon and as soon as i seen him it was a 30 min talk and BAM!! he asked me when i wanted to do the surgery and i said today so then he booked the next op-en day he had.. so on OCtober 28 i will be banded.. i am sooo excited... he didnt put me on any special diet or n e thing.. basiclly just come in the day before and run some tests then the next day i have the surgery...

Cant wait to get banded and start this process.:thumbup:

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Congrads..I have to wait until I finish my nutritional diet and I will get a date after the 29th of this month..I'm so happy for you..

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