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My band & I are now good friends!!

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:smile2:Going into 4th week post op and waiting to get my first fill on Friday, I have completely figured how to treat my new friend and loving every minute of it. I feel so lucky to have had this surgery and feel better and better about my health, my look, and everything else around me. Thank you to everyone here in this site who have helped me by sharing their experiences. All the best to all of you.

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:smile2:Going into 4th week post op and waiting to get my first fill on Friday, I have completely figured how to treat my new friend and loving every minute of it. I feel so lucky to have had this surgery and feel better and better about my health, my look, and everything else around me. Thank you to everyone here in this site who have helped me by sharing their experiences. All the best to all of you.

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I also LOVE my band so much I am 15 weeks post op and thought I had figured it all out too. After three fills things change a little but it is all GOOD. I love playing music with the band. Keep up the good job this is a wonderful journey. Best wishes imaluckydog

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The key is to be really positive and upbeat. I have figured this out after reading through tons of these posts. You two have it dialed. I love it!!! I am 3 weeks post op and feeling so much better. My jeans actually fit and I already have more energy and feel better about myself. I am so lucky to be able to get a tool that will help me with my efforts. Have a great week!!!

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Ditto .... I am 2 weeks post op and loving my band I still havn't weighed myself waiting until my first doctors visit, I feel great all my clothes are getting looser by the week ...baggy pants and tshirts that will be novel experience LOLL .

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