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I had a lap banding with cholycystectomy (gallbladder removal) on 10-7-09. I consider this date as the first day of my new life. I have always been overweight--now I'm ready for a change, mentally, physically, etc.


I'm currently on postop day 4. Life is getting a little better. The gas pain gets terrible at times. Thank GOD for Gas X (and my wonderful friend "loveslady" that suggested it). All in all, I think the gallbladder site is giving me the most trouble. No regrets. Very glad I did this. Lost 6# in 4 days.:confused:

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I had a lap banding with cholycystectomy (gallbladder removal) on 10-7-09. I consider this date as the first day of my new life. I have always been overweight--now I'm ready for a change, mentally, physically, etc.

I'm currently on postop day 4. Life is getting a little better. The gas pain gets terrible at times. Thank GOD for Gas X (and my wonderful friend "loveslady" that suggested it). All in all, I think the gallbladder site is giving me the most trouble. No regrets. Very glad I did this. Lost 6# in 4 days.:thumbup:

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Hang in there...each day will get better (and a heating pad helps too). Remember to walk, walk, walk as that gets the gas moving out. CONGRATULATIONS! ...and welcome to LBT! -BG

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