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DOWN day my friends :(

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I went for my first post op and everything was great. I have lost 10 pounds since my surgery 11 days ago. Today is another story, I am feeling so down and can't figure out how to deal with it. I went for a long walk, had my soft food, and then started having desire to cheat and attack anything that I get my hand on :)


I haven't had any fills yet so I didn't feel full after my cheat!! I hate myself now and so I am about to take a cool shower and go for another looooooooooooong walk. I WILL NOT DO THIS TO MYSELF AGAIN.

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I went for my first post op and everything was great. I have lost 10 pounds since my surgery 11 days ago. Today is another story, I am feeling so down and can't figure out how to deal with it. I went for a long walk, had my soft food, and then started having desire to cheat and attack anything that I get my hand on :(

I haven't had any fills yet so I didn't feel full after my cheat!! I hate myself now and so I am about to take a cool shower and go for another looooooooooooong walk. I WILL NOT DO THIS TO MYSELF AGAIN.

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Don't be too hard on yourself. You're in what they call bandster HELL. It's that point before you get restriction and you can eat anything you want but know you shouldn't. It's tough just make sure to follow your surgeons regulations so as not to cause your band to slip.

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Hey I had those moments post op too. You have to remember that you havn't had your mind banded!!! things get easier and old habits do die off. I am 4 months post and have not even realised that some habits have changed until its pointed out.

Enjoy the shower!!!


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I know what you're going through. There have been a couple of times that I just became so sad and a bit anxious about the changes in my eating. When we come to rely upon food for comfort and relaxation, it's a big shock when we change what food means to us. It's a process, and it really does get easier, like the others have said. I'm only 8 weeks post-op now, but am feeling much more strong and centered. I know that there will be times when I feel anxious, even sad and missing my "best" (yeah, right!) friend, the big comforting pig out. I remind myself that the "friend" has really caused me a lot of damage. I'm finding other ways to deal with feeling down, and I know you will, too. Progress, not perfection -- remember, we're just learning this whole new relationship with food. It'll keep getting easier, I'm sure of it. Good luck to you, and keep up that great walking. It really helps!

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Thank you all for your support, it means so much to me and helps me a great deal. I have promised myself to keep a record of everything I eat and feel so to help myself deal with this head hunger feeling. Also, I know every time I cheat I have to go for one of those loooooooooong walks even if I already exercised that day. I just need to understand it's one day at a time and I don't want to live being diabetic for the rest of my life. Today, I am up and running and in great spirit and planning to work out twice. Thanks again for listening to me.

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You sound so much like me with the "cheating" mentality, and I've made it a major goal to try to change this for myself. My whole life, I've either been "on" a diet, or "off" a diet - translation: I've either been GOOD or I've been BAD. This crazy relationship with food has just got to change, and now we have the tool to do it. Try not to think of it as cheating -- just track your calories and stay within a range that you and/or your doctor has set for optimal weight loss. Try to keep good nutrition first and foremost on your mind, but that doesn't mean you have to live the life of a food nun! I know for me, if I rule something out, that's the thing I'm going to want! So hang in there, you sound like you've got a great attitude. Progress, not perfection! : ) Best of luck to you.

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