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Surgery Day Story

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Yesterday’s surgery went very well. I can’t say enough about Dr. Oliak, his PA Ally and the staff at Chapman Medcial Center. The whole thing really was a good experience, but didn’t go off without a hitch. As you may remember, this whole thing is a secret to everyone but DH, even the kids. My kids are only 5 and 7, so I didn’t think it would be too hard to keep them in the dark as long as I got home from the hospital before they came home from school. That didn’t happen so they ended up coming to pick me up with DH after 5pm. I told my son that I had a hernia repaired (not a lie), and that is was private and I didn’t want him talking about it to anyone. I think he’ll forget the whole thing in a couple of weeks.


Anyway, back to the actual surgery. I got there at 7 for a 9:30 surgery. I had the beginning of a cold since Monday but I didn’t have a fever so they didn’t even notice. They gave me a breathing treatment for my asthma and took me in right on time. I was surprised to wake up at noon in recovery. They took extra time to fix my hiatal hernia, which I was sure that I had going in because it caused me pain every now and then. They even gave DH before and after pictures. Trippy!


I willed myself to wake up quickly and was transferred to my room by 12:45. My nurse told me that DH left to get DD was school I knew that I wasn’t going to make my goal of getting out before school. My nurse was great, she herself had gastric bypass seven months ago and has lost 100 pounds so far! She didn’t think I looked like I needed surgery, probably because we weigh the same right now. Anyway, I had to walk, pee, drink from medicine cups, drink broth, drink shake, see the physical therapist and then go home. They really seemed like they wanted me to stay, and told me that I could stay for 23 hours as an out-patient. I just wanted out of there, besides, the whole family was downstairs waiting for me.


I faded in and out all the way home and went to bed when we got there. That’s when the gas pain set in. HOLY MOLY, that hurts! It still does actually. I regretted leaving the hospital because I could have been pressing that pain med button instead of suffering all night. I did find that laying on the shoulder with the pain sent the pain up to the other shoulder. While this transfer was happening, I was able to catch a few winks. I bet that I got up to go to the bathroom 15 times over night. My mouth was so dry I kept sucking on ice chips all night long. This morning I called in sick. I supposed to be there tomorrow and I’m organizing the company BBQ on Saturday but now I find myself with a 101 degree fever. I called the PA Ally and she wants me to come see them tomorrow if I’m not better. I don’t feel too bad, just tired and wishing that the gas pain would be gone for good.



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Yesterday’s surgery went very well. I can’t say enough about Dr. Oliak, his PA Ally and the staff at Chapman Medcial Center. The whole thing really was a good experience, but didn’t go off without a hitch. As you may remember, this whole thing is a secret to everyone but DH, even the kids. My kids are only 5 and 7, so I didn’t think it would be too hard to keep them in the dark as long as I got home from the hospital before they came home from school. That didn’t happen so they ended up coming to pick me up with DH after 5pm. I told my son that I had a hernia repaired (not a lie), and that is was private and I didn’t want him talking about it to anyone. I think he’ll forget the whole thing in a couple of weeks.

Anyway, back to the actual surgery. I got there at 7 for a 9:30 surgery. I had the beginning of a cold since Monday but I didn’t have a fever so they didn’t even notice. They gave me a breathing treatment for my asthma and took me in right on time. I was surprised to wake up at noon in recovery. They took extra time to fix my hiatal hernia, which I was sure that I had going in because it caused me pain every now and then. They even gave DH before and after pictures. Trippy!

I willed myself to wake up quickly and was transferred to my room by 12:45. My nurse told me that DH left to get DD was school I knew that I wasn’t going to make my goal of getting out before school. My nurse was great, she herself had gastric bypass seven months ago and has lost 100 pounds so far! She didn’t think I looked like I needed surgery, probably because we weigh the same right now. Anyway, I had to walk, pee, drink from medicine cups, drink broth, drink shake, see the physical therapist and then go home. They really seemed like they wanted me to stay, and told me that I could stay for 23 hours as an out-patient. I just wanted out of there, besides, the whole family was downstairs waiting for me.

I faded in and out all the way home and went to bed when we got there. That’s when the gas pain set in. HOLY MOLY, that hurts! It still does actually. I regretted leaving the hospital because I could have been pressing that pain med button instead of suffering all night. I did find that laying on the shoulder with the pain sent the pain up to the other shoulder. While this transfer was happening, I was able to catch a few winks. I bet that I got up to go to the bathroom 15 times over night. My mouth was so dry I kept sucking on ice chips all night long. This morning I called in sick. I supposed to be there tomorrow and I’m organizing the company BBQ on Saturday but now I find myself with a 101 degree fever. I called the PA Ally and she wants me to come see them tomorrow if I’m not better. I don’t feel too bad, just tired and wishing that the gas pain would be gone for good.


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After my surgery and for about a week after, I'd fall asleep mid-sentence! HA!

I am happy for you and want you to enjoy the journey my friend. It's really greener on this side...at least it has been for me!


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Nobody knows I was banded except DH, my boss thought I had a D&C to remove uterine polyps, because I had that a couple of years ago and though he'd buy that I had to have it done again. Looking back, I should have said it was hernia surgery, which isn't a lie and longer to recover from.

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