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BMI of 27.5 / with Type II...Does lap band work to control diabetes

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I've been fighting Type II for 3-4 years. With tons of excersise I still can't drop the weight. I am hoping the lab band will be a solution to my problem. My current BMI is 27.5. I'm in very good shape...other than my A1C is bad. Weight is really hard to come off. Does anyone have a similar story? I'd like to know the succcess or not...so please tell me.

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I've been fighting Type II for 3-4 years. With tons of excersise I still can't drop the weight. I am hoping the lab band will be a solution to my problem. My current BMI is 27.5. I'm in very good shape...other than my A1C is bad. Weight is really hard to come off. Does anyone have a similar story? I'd like to know the succcess or not...so please tell me.

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Hi, My doc told me a year ago i got diabetes type II and High blood presure at that time when he discovered my sugar was at 185, since that moment i was suppose to take some medication metformin 550mg and fosinopril for the High blood presure i never learn how to used the machine but everytime i went to the hosp i check it up.

After 6 months since the doc discovered these things I start a strict diet and a workout program exercise in 4 months I lost 48 lbs and my sugar and the High blood pres was getting pretty good, then i decided to get the lap band and i lost another 31 lbs.

Last week i went to see my doc and he told me i not longer need to take any of these medications both of them i'm not diabetic or have High Blood press anymore.

I'm 5 weeks post surgery and i havent had any fill in my band yet. So do it you wont regret it, it helps a lot.


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I greatly appreciate your comments and would look to others to respond who might have similar experiences. A few questions: 1. I've checked with some clinics this last year and because I'm slightly over weight, I've been told that I can't have the surgery. So my question is if you have Type II and High Blood Pressure, both of which I have, who can you turn to for this surgery? 2. Who did your surgery in SLC?

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Hello I came across your blog and I myself am a diabetic..I am type 2 myself but i take 2 diff.types of insulin. i take levimir before i go to bed every night and humalog only when needed..i take metformin as well..I myself has struggled with my weight. I have been banded for exactly 1 yr now and only have lost 34 lbs.. before my surgery i was taking meds for high cholesterol and high blood pressure..glad to say I only now take levimer and metformin.. so with me loosing the 34 lbs has helped with my health..due to my diabetes and the insulin i am on.. its hard for me to loose weight..im only loosing a few lbs a month...:( but for your BMI only being in the 27 range you wouldnt qualify for the band.. but since you are a diabetic, depending on your insurance company it should cover the surgery as long as your doc agrees.. theres just a few requirements your insurance will have you go thru..I have BCBS so the process for me was extremely easy..

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Hi Everyone,

I'm Robin, I've had the lap band, and I also am a Diabetes Specialist RN and have been working with diabetes for 15 years. On a personal note, my daughter was diagnosed at age 10 with Type 1 (on a pump 2 years after dx) and my Father and Brother both have Type 2 diabetes....as well as a slew of other family members.

I really want you to know that losing wt DOES NOT make diabetes go away. The lap band is restrictive and helps you to lose wt. Once you lose wt your cells are "smaller" and need less glucose to operate, therefore you require less insulin to get that job done (insulins job is to put glucose, sugar, fuel, into all of our body's cells.) The pills people take for diabetes manipulate this process in a an effective way. Some help your cels to open up easier to let the insulin bring the sugar in, some decrease your natural glucose release from your liver's stored "energy", and some stimulate the cells that make insulin to make more insulin. Then of course, their is insulin replacement. Insulin is a hormone in our bodies that we can not live without.

So, when you lose wt, no matter how you do that, including the lap band, you reduce the workload and require less assistance (meds) to achieve better glucose levels. This is great! It makes it easier for you to achieve near normal glucose levels and protects you from long term diabetes complications.....but the diabetes is still there and continues to progress. The rate of your body's ability to make it's own insulin diminishes over time and that rate is different for everyone but most folks need insulin 5-10 out from diagnoses...some sooner, some later.

The lap band would be a good choice for wt loss and health improvement across the board, including for your diabetes. However, the other wls, where they re-route your intestines has been recognized to "cure" diabetes in some of the research. Talk to your surgeon about both surgeries and together you can decide which would be best for you and your particular situation.


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