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may 2009 banded? let's weigh in!!

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I was banded May 4, 2009. I had no pre op diet.


start weight 258


now 204(sept 20)


lost 54 so far!

14cc band and 7cc in it!:huh2:

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I always get excited when I see how someone else is doing that was banded about the same time I was. I was also banded in May, the 28th to be exact. Some times I feel like it is taking way too long to get the weight off and other times I am really excited about how things are going. I have lost 47 pounds to date.I have 6 cc's in my 14 cc band. I will get another fill a week from tomorrow. I think you are doing awesome so far. Lets keep it up girl. This is not always easy but we are sooo worth it. Believe it or not, My starting weight was 258 too. I cant wait to see the onehundreds again. Let me know how you are doing. Hopefulmechelle

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