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17 Weeks Post Op...Progress

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Lapband LaLa


Hi Family!


Today is my 17 week post-op date.


As I sit and reflect on my progress I can't help but to be grateful. As I see the numbers go down on the scale, I know it will be the last time I see those numbers as long as I continue to do what I need to do. Eat right, exercise, take care of myself.


I always heard people say...the band is a tool. Now I can really and truly say I understand that. It is not a miracle worker, an overnight fixer, a cure-all.


You MUST....can't stress that enough....YOU MUST be ready for this in the head. If you are not you are setting yourself up for a huge disappointment.


I was ready....I do my work...I am within reach of my goal.


I have to share some things in case someone else has these issues. For the first time in my life, I had some strange things go on with my period. My last period was for 10 days and then within 12 days I had another period. I went to my doctor and they don't think it's serious but blood work was performed to be sure. Losing weight so fast can cause other things to go out of whack. I just want to share this with you because it's important to know your body will be a little confused with itself sometimes. (sorry fella's guess you did not really need to hear that but my ladies did)


We are amazing and wonderful creatures. The body is fabulous and can bounce back from anything, just take care of it because you only have one.


Also, the mood adjustment has been CRAZY! :tongue_smilie: One minute I will be on cloud nine, then something simple will just tick me off to no end. I'll stay mad for a little bit then I am back to being happy. There have been many "blah" days while on this journey. Sometimes I just don't know how to feel, then I am fine. Sometimes little things urk me, but I am over it in a heartbeat. Strange....yes I know....but you have to remember my body is changing and changing fast. All this weight loss has to effect me somehow.


But overall...I am so happy I did this for myself. I wish I would have considered it earlier but maybe I was not ready for it earlier.


So I embrace it, learn from it and work my band like the wonderful tool it is.


I did not weigh this week. I don't weigh all the time. I do not choose to be a slave to that scale anymore. As long as I feel good, and my clothes are getting loose I am fine. I try to at least weigh once every two weeks just to make sure I am still on the journey line.


So that's it for today folks. I just have to advise you to love yourself and enjoy the journey.


It did not take just one night to become overweight and it will not take one night to lose it all. Be patient and loving to yourself and you will be within reach of your goal soon!




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Hi Family!

Today is my 17 week post-op date.

As I sit and reflect on my progress I can't help but to be grateful. As I see the numbers go down on the scale, I know it will be the last time I see those numbers as long as I continue to do what I need to do. Eat right, exercise, take care of myself.

I always heard people say...the band is a tool. Now I can really and truly say I understand that. It is not a miracle worker, an overnight fixer, a cure-all.

You MUST....can't stress that enough....YOU MUST be ready for this in the head. If you are not you are setting yourself up for a huge disappointment.

I was ready....I do my work...I am within reach of my goal.

I have to share some things in case someone else has these issues. For the first time in my life, I had some strange things go on with my period. My last period was for 10 days and then within 12 days I had another period. I went to my doctor and they don't think it's serious but blood work was performed to be sure. Losing weight so fast can cause other things to go out of whack. I just want to share this with you because it's important to know your body will be a little confused with itself sometimes. (sorry fella's guess you did not really need to hear that but my ladies did)

We are amazing and wonderful creatures. The body is fabulous and can bounce back from anything, just take care of it because you only have one.

Also, the mood adjustment has been CRAZY! :thumbup: One minute I will be on cloud nine, then something simple will just tick me off to no end. I'll stay mad for a little bit then I am back to being happy. There have been many "blah" days while on this journey. Sometimes I just don't know how to feel, then I am fine. Sometimes little things urk me, but I am over it in a heartbeat. Strange....yes I know....but you have to remember my body is changing and changing fast. All this weight loss has to effect me somehow.

But overall...I am so happy I did this for myself. I wish I would have considered it earlier but maybe I was not ready for it earlier.

So I embrace it, learn from it and work my band like the wonderful tool it is.

I did not weigh this week. I don't weigh all the time. I do not choose to be a slave to that scale anymore. As long as I feel good, and my clothes are getting loose I am fine. I try to at least weigh once every two weeks just to make sure I am still on the journey line.

So that's it for today folks. I just have to advise you to love yourself and enjoy the journey.

It did not take just one night to become overweight and it will not take one night to lose it all. Be patient and loving to yourself and you will be within reach of your goal soon!


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Thank you for a great boost tonight! I'm only five weeks out, but I feel like so much has changed for me already. Oddly, my moods have really leveled out since being banded. Maybe the lack of sugar highs and carb overloads are keeping me on a more even-keel. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I always enjoy reading your posts -- thanks!!

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Wow! Just the pep talk I needed to hear this Friday morning, thank you. I had my surgery done March 5, 2009, have lost 36-40 lbs. depends on day. I am starting to cheat??? eat "easy" foods; cereal, icecream.....and I could see the scale fluctuating. Ok, I'm done buying icream and eating easy foods. A taste once in awhile is fine. But your right, we didn't go through this surgery to fail. Thanks Again--I feel better and ready to stay on my path that I started to good health and most importantly, feeling good overall!!

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thank you you sound like you are getting a great handle on this whole thing. I have yet to have my surgery and at times i think will i really lose weight? can i put in the time at the gym? i have very bad feet problems that is my reason for going down this road. If you have any advise on exercise i would be grateful

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Nice work I also feel so much better. I love reading blogs that inspire. Thank you for that. I am working as hard as I can making good food choices and I feel smaller today. I think my head is starting to catch up if anyone knows what I mean. I felt smaller in the shower this morning. I have never been happier and as clam in my entire life. Even when family throw me curve balls I can handle it I do not feed into it or get up set anymore it is so amazing. I have been stressed and it is true the band gets tighter for me so the less stress I have the better I feel. Here to less stress and being Happy. imaluckdog Kathy

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