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4 days post op~~~

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Hi all, i am officially 4 days post op and i actually feel good. my surgery was a breeze, i remember telling my DM and DH i loved them, maybe a tear or two and then i was waking up! my dr. said my liver was perfect and the surgery went very well. i had to stay overnight in the hospital - which is annoying bcause you don't get any rest. i was up and walking to the bathroom maybe 4 hrs after surgery.

i did have a sliming episode in the hospital - it involved chicken broth....:smile2: i have 5 scars -4 small and 1 big. i have some slight discomfort on the left side under my ribcage but other than that, not so bad. i have been taking my pain meds only 2 times a day - enough to relieve the discomfort that i have been having. My DM was here for a week, i love her, she made me all kinds of mushies before she left to go home today. i had to do liquids for only 3 days and then over to mushies. the only thing is, i don't know when i am full vs what is gas?? :thumbdown:

I have been eating 1 cup of food at each sitting, breakfast an scrambled egg with bits of ham and cheese, lunch some turkey salad and dinner, mashed potatoes and small bits of chicken. i have 11 days of mushies and then on to regular food. i went for a 40 minute walk today - i ran short of breath before it was over, but i made it - i have to make it a habit to walk around my subdivision at least once a day until i pick a gym to go to. so far, no problemsthough. i will spend the next week off of work trying to work out some short term goals.


First fill is 10/07 - a little nervous but i think i will be fine.

Question - is it normal for your mushies to come right back out after you eat? i experienced that yesterday - i would eat, wait 30 mins, drink a bottle of water and would have to run to the bathroom.


thanks for listening and any feed back will be good.

any other 09/08 - bandsters, it would be good to hear about your experiences...

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Hi all, i am officially 4 days post op and i actually feel good. my surgery was a breeze, i remember telling my DM and DH i loved them, maybe a tear or two and then i was waking up! my dr. said my liver was perfect and the surgery went very well. i had to stay overnight in the hospital - which is annoying bcause you don't get any rest. i was up and walking to the bathroom maybe 4 hrs after surgery.

i did have a sliming episode in the hospital - it involved chicken broth....:yikes: i have 5 scars -4 small and 1 big. i have some slight discomfort on the left side under my ribcage but other than that, not so bad. i have been taking my pain meds only 2 times a day - enough to relieve the discomfort that i have been having. My DM was here for a week, i love her, she made me all kinds of mushies before she left to go home today. i had to do liquids for only 3 days and then over to mushies. the only thing is, i don't know when i am full vs what is gas?? :thumbup:

I have been eating 1 cup of food at each sitting, breakfast an scrambled egg with bits of ham and cheese, lunch some turkey salad and dinner, mashed potatoes and small bits of chicken. i have 11 days of mushies and then on to regular food. i went for a 40 minute walk today - i ran short of breath before it was over, but i made it - i have to make it a habit to walk around my subdivision at least once a day until i pick a gym to go to. so far, no problemsthough. i will spend the next week off of work trying to work out some short term goals.

First fill is 10/07 - a little nervous but i think i will be fine.

Question - is it normal for your mushies to come right back out after you eat? i experienced that yesterday - i would eat, wait 30 mins, drink a bottle of water and would have to run to the bathroom.

thanks for listening and any feed back will be good.

any other 09/08 - bandsters, it would be good to hear about your experiences...

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Sounds like you are on track. Good attitude and exercise is just what the Dr. orders. Everyday will get better and better. It took almost three weeks for all my swelling to go down. You are doing well. Best wishes. imaluckydog

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hi, maybe wait a bit longer before you drink stuff, or drink a lot slower, this might help stop the puking.


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