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3rd fill 4 cc

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Well today was a great day. I finally had my 3rd fill. I can't really tell if I'm more restricted, I still can eat more than I should. But, I do have to eat slower, which is a plus! I had my last diatitian apt, thank goodness! What a pain, I totally lied my way through and told them what they wanted to hear and all was good. The trainer was way good! I kicked his butt!!!! The fill nurse was happy with my loss, 3 lbs. I'm not, I was bad over the weekend, thus the little loss. But I need to think of it as 3 lost not gained.


I'm loving my new life. I get compliments everywhere I turn! I don't have a double chin anymore, so I'm no turkey chin! Big plus!!!!:thumbdown: I have more energy level, so we are having more sex!:cool: yup, I said the S word. My ultimate goal is to have sex standing up ( if you remember my earlier blog) I might actually get there, which is giving me hot flashes just thinking about it. Kevin, sweet man that he is, is just drooooooling, thinking about my goal! :ohmy:


Phew, had to close the blog, my daughter was sitting here. Now that's imbarrassing!


Ok, where was I......... I was bad, bad, bad over the weekend, thus the bad loss. My daugters 10th birthday party was this weekend, long story short ,she had 2 parties, 2 cakes, and both really, really, really, oooooooooohhhhhhhhh REALLLLLY GOOD! Yeah I know, spank me, HARD!!!


Isn't it interesting, well, it is to me, that when my family is home..... we eat! We played hand and foot card game on Sunday, which is a family favorite, and what did we have? Treats, cake, yummies! ARRRRGGGGG! It's so hard to say no, when they are passing it around! I need to just say no, but my will power is.... well, not good right now!


Oh I learned some new exercise ideas from my trainer. I told him I hated running on cement, it hurt. Well, dummmmyyyy, of course it hurts, your a horse right now. Anywho, he suggested walking on the treadmill, and during commercials.... run. Holy crap, didn't think commercials lasted that long! Did the first one fine, but the 2nd set of commercials killed me, I totally didn't make it. MY NEW GOAL!!!!!!!!! MAKE IT THROUGH ALL THE COMMERCIALS RUNNING! It will take a while, but I will get there! He said that running then walking and running again is a fabulous and best kind of work out. It builds up your endurance. If you never challenge yourself, you will never get to a higher level. Totally makes sense. We also worked on a exercise ball and kettle weights. Totally cool. It gives me more options to add to my exercise. Going to the trainer was actually a lot of fun. OMG!!!! DID I JUST SAY THAT????????


have a fabulous day everyone, and remember, WE CAN DO THIS, IF WE DO IT TOGETHER!!!!1

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Well today was a great day. I finally had my 3rd fill. I can't really tell if I'm more restricted, I still can eat more than I should. But, I do have to eat slower, which is a plus! I had my last diatitian apt, thank goodness! What a pain, I totally lied my way through and told them what they wanted to hear and all was good. The trainer was way good! I kicked his butt!!!! The fill nurse was happy with my loss, 3 lbs. I'm not, I was bad over the weekend, thus the little loss. But I need to think of it as 3 lost not gained.

I'm loving my new life. I get compliments everywhere I turn! I don't have a double chin anymore, so I'm no turkey chin! Big plus!!!!:redface: I have more energy level, so we are having more sex!:smile2: yup, I said the S word. My ultimate goal is to have sex standing up ( if you remember my earlier blog) I might actually get there, which is giving me hot flashes just thinking about it. Kevin, sweet man that he is, is just drooooooling, thinking about my goal! :thumbup:

Phew, had to close the blog, my daughter was sitting here. Now that's imbarrassing!

Ok, where was I......... I was bad, bad, bad over the weekend, thus the bad loss. My daugters 10th birthday party was this weekend, long story short ,she had 2 parties, 2 cakes, and both really, really, really, oooooooooohhhhhhhhh REALLLLLY GOOD! Yeah I know, spank me, HARD!!!

Isn't it interesting, well, it is to me, that when my family is home..... we eat! We played hand and foot card game on Sunday, which is a family favorite, and what did we have? Treats, cake, yummies! ARRRRGGGGG! It's so hard to say no, when they are passing it around! I need to just say no, but my will power is.... well, not good right now!

Oh I learned some new exercise ideas from my trainer. I told him I hated running on cement, it hurt. Well, dummmmyyyy, of course it hurts, your a horse right now. Anywho, he suggested walking on the treadmill, and during commercials.... run. Holy crap, didn't think commercials lasted that long! Did the first one fine, but the 2nd set of commercials killed me, I totally didn't make it. MY NEW GOAL!!!!!!!!! MAKE IT THROUGH ALL THE COMMERCIALS RUNNING! It will take a while, but I will get there! He said that running then walking and running again is a fabulous and best kind of work out. It builds up your endurance. If you never challenge yourself, you will never get to a higher level. Totally makes sense. We also worked on a exercise ball and kettle weights. Totally cool. It gives me more options to add to my exercise. Going to the trainer was actually a lot of fun. OMG!!!! DID I JUST SAY THAT????????

have a fabulous day everyone, and remember, WE CAN DO THIS, IF WE DO IT TOGETHER!!!!1

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HOLY BUCKETS Woman!!! All this talk about the s word and then the spank me stuff...Your poor hubby is gonna be WORN OUT!!!!!

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