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A few months ago I attended the orientation for Lap Band. I must say I came out of there scared. Food getting stuck, band eroding, leaks that would mean replacement, etc.


So, over the course of the next few months - I've decided I'm going to do this anyway. Really it's no choice. heart bypass in a few years or do lap band now and have a high probability of not having the heart bypass.


But I'm still scared. How do you "unstick" food? Does it eventually go down? eek.gif

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A few months ago I attended the orientation for Lap Band. I must say I came out of there scared. Food getting stuck, band eroding, leaks that would mean replacement, etc.

So, over the course of the next few months - I've decided I'm going to do this anyway. Really it's no choice. heart bypass in a few years or do lap band now and have a high probability of not having the heart bypass.

But I'm still scared. How do you "unstick" food? Does it eventually go down? eek.gif

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can go down sometimes if you wait long enough... for me i get mouthfuls of "slime"- thick saliva, that i have to spit out. at times getting rid of the slime is enough, however at other times i have to sort of encourage things to come up.. not to be gross but if i bend down over the toilet and "get in position" stuff comes back up my throat.... not the same as vomiting- hard to explain.

as long as you chew 5,000 times and are really aware it doesn't happen all that often. hope that helps.

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