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fills and weigh ins.....

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Well just wondering when everyone recieved there first fill after the surgery date?? And also if you guys are weighing yourself weekly?? I hate the scale, never been a big fan....just wondering, thanks!:angry:

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Well just wondering when everyone recieved there first fill after the surgery date?? And also if you guys are weighing yourself weekly?? I hate the scale, never been a big fan....just wondering, thanks!:smile2:

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Normaly u will received your fill six weeks after surgery. (But every doctor maybe different) I weigh my self every day and if I get frustrated....then I will weigh myself once a week. My doctor told me to through my scale away. lol, as long as I was excersing, then I'm doing good.

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thank you....you look great! have you been banded for a while? how much have you lost? what are you averaging?

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Six weeks for me (actually I think I whined and he got me on on week five). I have a love hate relationship with the scale. I hate that thing yet I wiegh every time I go to the bathroom not kidding. Ihave issues and yes I hate the little $%^$&%$$.

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I got my first fill 4 wks after surgery. And, I'm happy to say...... I 'm a scale whore!!!! I weigh every day!!!!


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I do not own a scale I think about weighing myself all the time. I am a scale whore because I think about it daily. I get weighed at the Dr.'s office when I go in every 4 to 5 weeks. I have to try not to get on a scale if I encounter one!!!! LOL My first fill was five week after surgery. imaluckydog

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I was banded oct. 29 last year. I lost 50 lbs. I haven't lost any weight in the past 2.5 months. I keep gaining and losing 3 to 4 lbs. But I have been still losing inches. My weight was 229....now its 179.....my goal is to get to 145 to 150. I have about 30 more lbs to go. I also left a message on your vistor page. If you write back leave it on my visitor page incase I don't check this blog again. Thanks.

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