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My Sweet Spot At Last

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For someone who's scared to death of needles, I have to say I almost enjoy my fills. This last, however, was perhaps the most challenging. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy!


I've already dropped a few more pounds since my doctor visit two weeks ago. This has produced some interesting clothing mishaps.


However, I'm still wary of attending the upcoming holiday events with my loving family. Bless them all, they don't understand and can't seem to "get" that I can't have ANY carbs-- no pasta, no rice, no potatoes, no sugars, no corn, peas, winter squashes and sweet potatoes. No, not "just one bite or just this once" (frustrated sigh) I've repeated myself explaining until I'm blue in the face and annoyed.


Well, I'm done. I've turned down the family dinner invitation in favor a peaceful evening with my DH, brother, and daughter. They get it. They're benefitting as I can now take on and share household chores without getting out of breath or limping because my feet and knees couldn't take my weight before. Now I mow the lawn, pull weeds, scrub floors, and wash the car. It's fun to be healthy!


Next goal__ One-der-land!



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For someone who's scared to death of needles, I have to say I almost enjoy my fills. This last, however, was perhaps the most challenging. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy!


I've already dropped a few more pounds since my doctor visit two weeks ago. This has produced some interesting clothing mishaps.

However, I'm still wary of attending the upcoming holiday events with my loving family. Bless them all, they don't understand and can't seem to "get" that I can't have ANY carbs-- no pasta, no rice, no potatoes, no sugars, no corn, peas, winter squashes and sweet potatoes. No, not "just one bite or just this once" (frustrated sigh) I've repeated myself explaining until I'm blue in the face and annoyed.

Well, I'm done. I've turned down the family dinner invitation in favor a peaceful evening with my DH, brother, and daughter. They get it. They're benefitting as I can now take on and share household chores without getting out of breath or limping because my feet and knees couldn't take my weight before. Now I mow the lawn, pull weeds, scrub floors, and wash the car. It's fun to be healthy!

Next goal__ One-der-land!


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You SO deserve this...2 pounds a week...AWESOME!!!! I want the details. How much in your band now? How do you know it's the sweet spot? How much can you eat? Are you getting stuck on anything? I'm guessing the carb thing is still self-imposed and that's not a list of things you couldn't eat (you're so dedicated!!!)? You're my inspiration! ...and I LOVE the quilt!!! I need to find some crafts to keep me busy this fall (wish I liked sewing more LOL). WAY TO GO!!!

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Whoa, what a lot of questions. Okay, one by one I'll answer them.

1. How the sweet spot feels-- like a very tight restriction that borders between "liquids pass okay" and "Don't eat THAT or you'll pay dearly!" You see, my doctor doesn't use a scope during fills. So when he handed me water after a fill and told me to tell him when the water passed, I could barely feel the water. This morning, I'm drinking hot coffee and I can clearly and with deep conviction tell you exactly when the hot coffee has passed the stoma. There's a good ten seconds of wait before the "warmth" and slight pressure go away.

2. How much is in my band-- I'm not clear on that, but it's over 11 ccs. I'd say 12-13. I asked for a hefty dose of saline because of the upcoming holidays and the size of my family's carb addiction. (grin) Being weak-willed got me fat. I'm not taking any chances!

3. How do I know it's the sweet spot-- Because I can still eat solid food if I'm very careful about what and how much goes in, plus I'm losing an average of 2 lbs a week. Stepping on that scale every morning is the best reward I can give myself.

4. How much can I eat-- That depends on the density of the food. I can barely choke down about 1-2oz of meat, OR 1/4 cup of my allowed veggies, OR a 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, which can be more than I can finish in thirty minutes. Doc told me to use the 30 minute rule-- if you have that full feeling in less than 30 minutes, stop eating and put the plate in the sink, even if there's still food on the plate. Mama isn't there to see whether you cleaned your plate or not. (The dog now thinks I'm a goddess, since he gets what little remains on my plate.)


5. Getting stuck- first I get the "full" sensation down there. It's not a pain, but a definite feeling of pressure. If I ignore it, I get pain. :scared2:At that point, it's too late and I'd better make a discreet and quiet exit to the bathroom, since I am guaranteed to PB. If I PB my dinner, I go pull out a low-carb protein shake because my insides are letting me know they aren't happy with me and I'd better be gentle.:smile2:

6. Self-discipline? Uh, no. Look, I'm a weak-willed wuss when it comes to saying, "No" to foods that are bad for me. That's what got me fat. What keeps me out of trouble takes extreme measures like keeping the contraband in a locked pantry I don't have the key to. I have cheese sticks and carefully measured servings of snacks I am allowed. I'm a writer, so having "thinking food" nearby on my desk is a habit I don't want to break. I did replace my high-carb thinking foods with low carb alternatives like small cubes of cheese, a few chunks of meat that's okay cold, and veggies like celery in their own cold water "vase." (The celery works best for me. It's a "cigarette" and crunchy "thinking food" in one. I've been known to stick a half-eaten stalk behind my ear to type when a great idea hits. Good thing I hid the camera.)

The biggest change comes when I am outside the house. Instead of planning around where we'll eat, we plan the activity. It's kind of funny when my family eyes longingly the chinese buffet we used to patronize while I march toward the shops with barely a glance at the golden dragons. LOL! I can't wait to go to the historical district of St. Augustine, where I'll care more about the nifty little tourist traps than my growling stomach! I'm happy with my bottle of Crystal Light, thanks.

That's what it's like for me. YMMV. (Your mileage may vary.)

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