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Still going strong!

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I haven't done an update in a while so here you go. It's been 5 months since my band was put in and I'm thrilled with my results.


I started this journey at 374 pounds at preop and I am now at 280.


I still have great restriction... if I stick with the right foods and I have not needed a fill yet!


I am currently taking a hiatus from LapbandTalk so I can focus on me.


I have challenged myself with my walking, in July I walked 50 miles and I just finished up 60 miles for August.


I'm still a work in progress, I have a food addiction and that's something that may never go away but I am learning how to manage it.


Thanks for reading and I will check in soon!

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I haven't done an update in a while so here you go. It's been 5 months since my band was put in and I'm thrilled with my results.

I started this journey at 374 pounds at preop and I am now at 280.

I still have great restriction... if I stick with the right foods and I have not needed a fill yet!

I am currently taking a hiatus from LapbandTalk so I can focus on me.

I have challenged myself with my walking, in July I walked 50 miles and I just finished up 60 miles for August.

I'm still a work in progress, I have a food addiction and that's something that may never go away but I am learning how to manage it.

Thanks for reading and I will check in soon!

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Would you guide me on what you ate and drank to lose that much? I'm frustrated. I haven't lost weight in 1 week. Maybe your information could really change what I am doing. Any information would be great.

I am walking everyday on my treadmill.

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hi Trevajane.

for the most part losing weight is pretty black and white, we're either eating too many calories or not enough.

I don't count calories but I do credit some of my success on being a planner. I have a meal planner that I fill out for the week which allows me to plan not only my meals but makes my trip to the grocery more productive.

Being that we are addicts we really need to plan ahead to take the impulsive guess work out of the picture because that's when we make bad choices. So may I sugest that you sit down and make out a menu for a week, and stick it to the refrigerator and stay on plan.

My menu changes but I continue to start off my morning with a protein drink, I don't snack between meals and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

now... not losing weight for a week is normal, it's going to happen. I was not able to view your profile so I don't know anything about you but I have been the same weight for 2 weeks and it just happens. our body's are going through major changes and we should not worry about a stall in weight loss from time to time.

So relax and if you think that you are eating enough calories but not over doing it then in time you will see the scale move.... but don't forget those non scale victories I can barely keep my pants up and to me that's a priceless

good luck!

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Thak the lord, I went for my first fill on the 5th Aug,and weighed 214lbs, and although seveely restricting food intake weigh 208 today, which is only 2lbs a week, but haven't lost a thing in two weeks.

So confused with this talk about protein v carbs, as I used to have tuna before my fill, but now cannot eat it, only coping with soups and sauce foods, which is high carb. Outside of protein/ whey drinks what can I do to set up a low carb diet. My profile is available which shows that I am type 2 diabetic, and I was told to consume protein to keep my sugars in check, which worked at first but not so good now. I would say that I have about 1100cals per day.

I tend towards OCD, and it's bugging me, maybe I should trash the scales, keep the portions small and forget abot it for three months

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Good job on the weight loss, 2 lbs a week is great, but are you eating solid foods such as chicken breast, or all soft or liquids? If you cannot eat solids maybe you didn't need a fill. Are you still severly restricted?

High protein would be meat and dairy products, these would qualify, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, lean meats.

I will try and locate your profile maybe the site was squirley last night.

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Sorry Duncanespie, I read that reply to fast and on my phone and thought it was from the first replier. That's why I made the comment obout not seeing your profile last night.

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