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tired of waiting!

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so.. i started this band process in March of this year and I first saw my surgeon June 23rd. I only had to have 3 other test done and i got all that done july 24th. i was approved by my insurance sometime in july .. sooo I have been waiting for my surgery date for almost a month! All i want is my date... i dont care if the surgery is soon, just a date so i can de-stress! is it just me ? or would other people be upset?! i have called the surgeons office everyweek! and its the same reponse everytime. help me! or just listen! :thumbup:

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so.. i started this band process in March of this year and I first saw my surgeon June 23rd. I only had to have 3 other test done and i got all that done july 24th. i was approved by my insurance sometime in july .. sooo I have been waiting for my surgery date for almost a month! All i want is my date... i dont care if the surgery is soon, just a date so i can de-stress! is it just me ? or would other people be upset?! i have called the surgeons office everyweek! and its the same reponse everytime. help me! or just listen! :lol:

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omg i am in the same boat as you.... im gettin my surgery done at a military hospital and i got my classes done and my tests and all i need is the final visit with the surgeon then he is supposed to get me approved through my insurance and set a date.. but being military he is going on TDY... basiclly soMEHWERE

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oops... n e ways he is going out of town for military purposes and they keep telling me to call back and i do and they make me feel like im being annoying. N e ways they finally said they are doing a waiting list and they will get in touch wit me. anyways they finally called me... yeaaayy.. the bad news is that my phone didnt have service and wen i called back the entire hospital was closed for military training... aaaahhhhh talk about driving me crazy... so i feel your pain girl... i am impatient and i want a date and this surgery. i cant wait to start getting this weight off

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Same here!! I started in early May and haven't even MET my surgeon yet!! I can't stand this! So discouraging, right?? Hang in there...it'll happen.....

I am feeling the same exact way right now.

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