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Cancer strikes again....

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On March 20th, 2007, my Mother learned she needed brain surgery to remove 5 tumors on her brain. It was her 52nd birthday. Seventeen days later, on April 6th, 2007, my eldest daughter, Kyleigh, was admitted to Loma Linda University Children's Hospital for testing. The next day she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.


Over the past two and a half years, my family has had the blessing of no reoccurance of either the brain cancer or the leukemia. My Mom has continually undergone scans of all sorts to monitor any possible return of her cancer, and my daughter, well she just officially stopped her treatments on June 11th, 2009. No more chemotherapy, no more pills, no more lumbar punctures. Just regular, monthly labwork.


Unfortunately, this streak came to an end on Thursday, August 13th (just one day shy of the 13th Anniversary of my Grandmother's death. she passed away from lung cancer in 1996), my Mom called with horrifying news. It wasnt brain cancer this time....it was BONE CANCER. The same type of cancer my Grandfather (my Mom's Dad) died of in 1998. All I could do was cry......


My family is horrified, but we remain hopeful. My Mom beat the odds with the brain cancer and we are sure she will do the same with the bone cancer. But this time, the regiment is different. With the brain cancer it was radiation treatments. With the bone cancer, it is radiation treatments AND chemotherapy. A double whammy.


My Mom remains optimistic and asks us to not "bury her while she remains alive." In other words, be positive because she doesnt want to hear anything but positivity.


I live three hours away from my Mom and really feel guilty that I am not able to be there to help her when she needs the help. But I have offered my support and the idea of help when she needs it the most. I asked my husband to be on "call." To be ready to take a week's vacation in the blink of an eye if my Mom asks for my help. It is the least I can do for the woman who brought me into this world and who continues to be my strength, day in and day out.......

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On March 20th, 2007, my Mother learned she needed brain surgery to remove 5 tumors on her brain. It was her 52nd birthday. Seventeen days later, on April 6th, 2007, my eldest daughter, Kyleigh, was admitted to Loma Linda University Children's Hospital for testing. The next day she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.

Over the past two and a half years, my family has had the blessing of no reoccurance of either the brain cancer or the leukemia. My Mom has continually undergone scans of all sorts to monitor any possible return of her cancer, and my daughter, well she just officially stopped her treatments on June 11th, 2009. No more chemotherapy, no more pills, no more lumbar punctures. Just regular, monthly labwork.

Unfortunately, this streak came to an end on Thursday, August 13th (just one day shy of the 13th Anniversary of my Grandmother's death. she passed away from lung cancer in 1996), my Mom called with horrifying news. It wasnt brain cancer this time....it was BONE CANCER. The same type of cancer my Grandfather (my Mom's Dad) died of in 1998. All I could do was cry......

My family is horrified, but we remain hopeful. My Mom beat the odds with the brain cancer and we are sure she will do the same with the bone cancer. But this time, the regiment is different. With the brain cancer it was radiation treatments. With the bone cancer, it is radiation treatments AND chemotherapy. A double whammy.

My Mom remains optimistic and asks us to not "bury her while she remains alive." In other words, be positive because she doesnt want to hear anything but positivity.

I live three hours away from my Mom and really feel guilty that I am not able to be there to help her when she needs the help. But I have offered my support and the idea of help when she needs it the most. I asked my husband to be on "call." To be ready to take a week's vacation in the blink of an eye if my Mom asks for my help. It is the least I can do for the woman who brought me into this world and who continues to be my strength, day in and day out.......

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Jen - I'm so sorry to haer about your mom. I'm going through this with my mom now as well. It absolutely SUCKS. You seem to have much more than one person should have to go through. I am here if you need to vent. My mom lives in the same town as I do so I can check on her several times a day. It must be so hard for you. My prayers are with you and your mom. lauraq

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Jen- I feel like I'm reading a blog I could have wrote. In May 2007 I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma, 3 days later my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer with metastasis to her liver and bone. We both underwent chemo and radiation, hers being much worse than mine. My cancer is in remission right now and my mom's cancer has been stable since January 2009. Then unfortunately a few weeks ago my brother was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma also and is now undergoing treatment. Keep positive there is still much hope. My prayers are with you and your family.

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Sadly, four months after this post, my Mother passed away. (On December 19th, 2009, just one day shy of her 34th Wedding Anniversary....). She is no longer suffering, but is GREATLY missed. My five year old doesnt understand and constantly asks for "Bebe" to come down from Heaven to visit us. My eight year old doesnt say much. And my two year old, the youngest, the one my Mom thought she would NEVER live to see be born, says, "Bebe die" every time her name is mentioned. They are too young to understand.

My Mom was such a strong woman, even at the end. She fought this cancer with every bit of energy that she could. But in the end, it consumed her life. I am just happy that we got this extra time with her. These two and a half years passed the brain tumors being removed.

Love you Momma! I miss you more and more each day!

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