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PLEASE let the gas go away

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hey guys, 5 days out of surgery and the gas is unbelievable. im on liquids and haven't had a fill yet, but im experiening some sort of reflux. Anyone know what Im talking about. I heard that walking helps to get rid of it, but it aint working. the gas just wont all come out---HELP!!!!. I've even tried gasx strips.:blink:

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hey guys, 5 days out of surgery and the gas is unbelievable. im on liquids and haven't had a fill yet, but im experiening some sort of reflux. Anyone know what Im talking about. I heard that walking helps to get rid of it, but it aint working. the gas just wont all come out---HELP!!!!. I've even tried gasx strips.:thumbup:

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I believe you're saying that you are having two different symptoms; reflux (acid burning in you stomach/throat) and gas (usually with referred pain, sometimes in your back or left shoulder).

You need to call your doc about the reflux. If he hasn't given you an Rx for it, ask for one. Mine sent me home with Nexium (Rx). I didn't have it for long luckily...mainly at the beginning and then every once in awhile for another month. The reflux acid on your new pouch and stoma can cause more inflammation and even ulcers.

As far as the gas goes, there's not much you can do as it's trapped air in your abdomen from them filling you up with air to help with the surgery, and it just needs to be absorbed by your body. The walking does help to more the air around and help your body to absorb it. There's a debate as to whether the GasX helps other than in your gastrointestinal system, but I certainly used it (you can take several at a time). I also used a heating pad on the areas that hurt and that helped me. I also took a gentle laxative a few days out (for just one day) to get things moving along and that made me feel a lot better (TMI- I started really 'tooting' after that).

Good luck to you and please call the doc if you're having any reflux. -BG

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I'm guessing this is what I'm feeling...after I eat or drink. It drives me insain! I'm in so much pain I have to lay down...and have the kids rub my back. Errgh...is it gas? I had my surgery on the 28th of July...but the pain just started since I've started eating.

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