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Wierd stuff after two months fill

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Some times I feel like a nut sometimes I don't....(Almond Joy). Ok, seriously. I think I might be going crazy! THis past week has been so hard on me, I don't get it! It has been almost two months since my fill to 5cc on my 10 cc band. This week, I feel like I need to go back to all liquids! :lol::frown::angry:And night time, forget about it. It is no wonder I have lost five pounds this week, beucase I can barley eat! Went to lunch yeterday at Applebee's ordered boneless wings for lunch. Was only able to eat two! And I was stuffed! Tried to eat supper, that wan't happening. I defentially need to drink more water...Doc would not be happy! And more protein. This week the wiedest thing started to happen. It was like I was starting to throw up in my sleep! :lol: Where did this come from???? :w00t: I haven't read about it in any books or online. I am going crazy!:unsure: I wake up and start choking :mad:and have to get up to brush my teeth. THis has been happeing for the last four nights and I can't sleep becuase it is happening about five or six times a night! Why??? Never has happened before?!?!? Stressful.:crying: Hopefully today is a turn around....going on Vacation and don't want ot ruin it for my kids, as I don't think they want to me up all night with me in the room!

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Some times I feel like a nut sometimes I don't....(Almond Joy). Ok, seriously. I think I might be going crazy! THis past week has been so hard on me, I don't get it! It has been almost two months since my fill to 5cc on my 10 cc band. This week, I feel like I need to go back to all liquids! :eek::thumbup::angry:And night time, forget about it. It is no wonder I have lost five pounds this week, beucase I can barley eat! Went to lunch yeterday at Applebee's ordered boneless wings for lunch. Was only able to eat two! And I was stuffed! Tried to eat supper, that wan't happening. I defentially need to drink more water...Doc would not be happy! And more protein. This week the wiedest thing started to happen. It was like I was starting to throw up in my sleep! :lol: Where did this come from???? :w00t: I haven't read about it in any books or online. I am going crazy!:cursing: I wake up and start choking :mad:and have to get up to brush my teeth. THis has been happeing for the last four nights and I can't sleep becuase it is happening about five or six times a night! Why??? Never has happened before?!?!? Stressful.:cursing: Hopefully today is a turn around....going on Vacation and don't want ot ruin it for my kids, as I don't think they want to me up all night with me in the room!

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It sounds as though you are too tight and need to get some fluid taken out. The reflux at night is a symptom of this and you don't want to leave it as it can cause problems.

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Hm.....intersting. Is that was acid reflex is? I know retarded question, but I have never heard of such a thing before!! I think I am going to call the doctor today and see what the deal is. Thanks for the note!


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Hi, I had this and I found I was eating to late at nite. I never eat anything after 6:30pm. The food does not settle well. I was given advice to try "papaya enzyme" I found them at GNC cheap. I took three and in minutes I was back to sleep. Now I have them next to my bed, in my car, and purse, in the bathroom. So true when you need them you do not want to have to THINK where are they!! I have taken them after being stuck and it has helped me. Hope all is well I have 4 cc's in my 10 cc band. Kathy imaluckydog

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Glad you're calling your doc. My doc also says night reflux is a big indicator of being too tight. If you can't get in your solid meals 2 months after a fill, you're definitely too tight. Sometimes just a tiny amount unfill helps people tremendously. You don't want to be on vacation and end up in the ER (and reflux can cause serious problems with your new pouch/stoma). Keep us posted on what the doc does! Best wishes! -BG

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Thank you guys so much! I haven't had any problems with this fill until this week, so it is really wierd. I have been reading on the blogs about bands slipping and this can be an indicator?!?? I think I am going to stop at GNC and get some papaya enzyme! And 6:30, I am going to try this! And no way do I want to end up in the ER!!! That would be a big damper on vacation, my kids would kill me!


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By all means if you are still having this call the doctors ASAP BG is correct on that. The enzyme may mask a real problem if it keeps coming back. I went running back and I am glad I did. I just need to change kinds of proteins and eat earlier. Keep in touch. Kathy imaluckydog

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