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First fill

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Yesterday was my first fill. I was strangly more nervous about that dumb fill than I was the surgery. The great nurse at my surgeon's office told me that the guy would press around on my stomach until he found it and that sometimes there might be alot of scar tissue and that it might be really uncomfortable the first time.


SO I laid down on my back and had my husband feel around if he could tell where my port is. He could feel it with ABSOLUTELY no problem---could even feel it with his palm (hand flat)....um, WHAT is this going to look like once I lose 70 pounds???? :cursing:) Oh no!!!


Anyway, the surgeon found it with no problem, but the first "pinch" of the syringe didnt hit the port---It HIT it, but didn't go in...So he poked around a few more times (made me laugh at something funny) and then it was in. It really wasn't bad at all. So he and I walked over to the x-ray machine to drink the barium....syringe sticking out of my belly. Thanks to LapBandTalk..I was fully prepared for that part. The barium was not bad at all. Nothing like the cup and a half I had to drink for the upper GI before surgery. He had me take a big swallow. WHOOSH right thru without even a pause--just like EVERYTHING else, I said!! Then put several CCs in and I took another drink and refluxed a little, but it felt fine going down. So he took some out and it was perfect. You could see my new LITTLE pouch forming at the top of the band. Cute!! Full of barium. Then he had me drink water (not x-rayed) I took a gulp---I've had zero restriction until this point so I still gulp water.... I felt something "hard" at the base of my neck. He took some more out and it went thru. I drank more water...no problems. Then it was done. Easy peasy.


He told me "Today is the day your weightloss journey begins". That felt SOOO good to hear that. I know I've lost a such a menial amount up till now and it has been hard as heck to get and keep that 10 pounds off since beginning of my preop diet. I've felt so bleak, b/c I really haven't lost ANYTHING since surgery and in my mind June 17th was the day my weightloss journey began...but really this is where it starts and that felt good.


I was STARVING when I went in for my fill. It was at 1:00--but I had to be at the pre-op room at 12:00 stomach completely empty. Let me tell you, by 1:45 when I left I was SOOOO full and I didn't want anything to eat until 4:00. HAHAHA....nothing like barium for lunch!!! I had soup for supper---and didn't feel any restriction, but I guess I'm not supposed to for the liquid part. But when I went to bed I wasn't hungry....that is a great thing!


I was up and at the gym by 5:15 this morning. Starbucks IS a liquid, BTW!!!!! That is another good thing. I did 45 minutes of cardio and then some core resistence work. By the way----I AM SWEATING LIKE A MAN!!!!!! What the heck is up with that??? I think it's because my thyroid medicine is jacked up and my Endocrinologist is trying to find the right balance for me. But, seriously, sweat DRIPPING OFF THE END OF MY NOSE!!! I used to just "glisten" and this is just embarrasing. Oh, well. I made it, thru and then wiped up the puddles. UGH!!!


I have been working out ALOT lately. I'm starting to feel that addiction coming back and the high from my heart beating out of my chest and that great body exhaustion feeling.


Now for the scales to start showing this effort!!

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Yesterday was my first fill. I was strangly more nervous about that dumb fill than I was the surgery. The great nurse at my surgeon's office told me that the guy would press around on my stomach until he found it and that sometimes there might be alot of scar tissue and that it might be really uncomfortable the first time.

SO I laid down on my back and had my husband feel around if he could tell where my port is. He could feel it with ABSOLUTELY no problem---could even feel it with his palm (hand flat)....um, WHAT is this going to look like once I lose 70 pounds???? :sneaky:) Oh no!!!

Anyway, the surgeon found it with no problem, but the first "pinch" of the syringe didnt hit the port---It HIT it, but didn't go in...So he poked around a few more times (made me laugh at something funny) and then it was in. It really wasn't bad at all. So he and I walked over to the x-ray machine to drink the barium....syringe sticking out of my belly. Thanks to LapBandTalk..I was fully prepared for that part. The barium was not bad at all. Nothing like the cup and a half I had to drink for the upper GI before surgery. He had me take a big swallow. WHOOSH right thru without even a pause--just like EVERYTHING else, I said!! Then put several CCs in and I took another drink and refluxed a little, but it felt fine going down. So he took some out and it was perfect. You could see my new LITTLE pouch forming at the top of the band. Cute!! Full of barium. Then he had me drink water (not x-rayed) I took a gulp---I've had zero restriction until this point so I still gulp water.... I felt something "hard" at the base of my neck. He took some more out and it went thru. I drank more water...no problems. Then it was done. Easy peasy.

He told me "Today is the day your weightloss journey begins". That felt SOOO good to hear that. I know I've lost a such a menial amount up till now and it has been hard as heck to get and keep that 10 pounds off since beginning of my preop diet. I've felt so bleak, b/c I really haven't lost ANYTHING since surgery and in my mind June 17th was the day my weightloss journey began...but really this is where it starts and that felt good.

I was STARVING when I went in for my fill. It was at 1:00--but I had to be at the pre-op room at 12:00 stomach completely empty. Let me tell you, by 1:45 when I left I was SOOOO full and I didn't want anything to eat until 4:00. HAHAHA....nothing like barium for lunch!!! I had soup for supper---and didn't feel any restriction, but I guess I'm not supposed to for the liquid part. But when I went to bed I wasn't hungry....that is a great thing!

I was up and at the gym by 5:15 this morning. Starbucks IS a liquid, BTW!!!!! That is another good thing. I did 45 minutes of cardio and then some core resistence work. By the way----I AM SWEATING LIKE A MAN!!!!!! What the heck is up with that??? I think it's because my thyroid medicine is jacked up and my Endocrinologist is trying to find the right balance for me. But, seriously, sweat DRIPPING OFF THE END OF MY NOSE!!! I used to just "glisten" and this is just embarrasing. Oh, well. I made it, thru and then wiped up the puddles. UGH!!!

I have been working out ALOT lately. I'm starting to feel that addiction coming back and the high from my heart beating out of my chest and that great body exhaustion feeling.

Now for the scales to start showing this effort!!

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Sounds like a perfect fill! Wish my doc had the barium setup in the office...what a great way to get to the perfect spot fast! -BG

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I'm so glad someone else hasn't lost a lot of weight since surgery. I'm 3 wks out and I'm gaining weight. My first fill is Aug 11th! Hopefully it's as good as yours!!!!

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