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Should I do lapband or should I not???????????

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I'm really struggling with my decision to do lapband. I've read SO many of the blogs and it seems that everyone is having a very hard time with weight loss after surgery. I know lapband doesn't promote weight loss all by itself,,, but I really thought it was going to make it a little easier to not over eat. You know how it is at times,,, you go out to eat with friends,,, have friends over and you just seem to eat way more than you were actually hungry for,,, the band should stop this sort of thing,,,, or so I thought. Perhaps it's a struggle until the doctor get's your exact fill amount right? I'm just wanting something more than relying on my willpower,,, at 44 years of age,,, 3 kid's and my mother in law in the house with us,,, I seem to have lost the ability to rely only on willpower.

I also have many friends that just plain don't want me to do the surgery,,, I have friends that tell me to do what I feel I should, some that support and a husband that is wonderful and says he will support whatever I do,,, perhaps the friends that are telling me to not do it are right? Maybe my gut telling me to do it is right???? O MY LORD,,, I'm SO CONFUSED!

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I'm really struggling with my decision to do lapband. I've read SO many of the blogs and it seems that everyone is having a very hard time with weight loss after surgery. I know lapband doesn't promote weight loss all by itself,,, but I really thought it was going to make it a little easier to not over eat. You know how it is at times,,, you go out to eat with friends,,, have friends over and you just seem to eat way more than you were actually hungry for,,, the band should stop this sort of thing,,,, or so I thought. Perhaps it's a struggle until the doctor get's your exact fill amount right? I'm just wanting something more than relying on my willpower,,, at 44 years of age,,, 3 kid's and my mother in law in the house with us,,, I seem to have lost the ability to rely only on willpower.

I also have many friends that just plain don't want me to do the surgery,,, I have friends that tell me to do what I feel I should, some that support and a husband that is wonderful and says he will support whatever I do,,, perhaps the friends that are telling me to not do it are right? Maybe my gut telling me to do it is right???? O MY LORD,,, I'm SO CONFUSED!

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Being banded is not bad. As everyone knows, its just an agent. I have lost a total of about 40 lbs. What I have found to work best for me is not eating and drinking at the same time. I normally wait 45 mins after a meal to drink. I also eat from a saucer to control the amount of food that I take in. Your body will tell you when you are full. The one good thing about it is that I am losing slow so it looks natural.

Good Luck to you

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I had an appointment with the dietitian and she told me about not drinking while I eat or 45 min. after. That one will be tough, I always tried to drink a lot with my meals when dieting,,, you know, get filled up with water and you won't eat as much thing,,, guess that didn't work so well or I wouldn't be here, lol:-) Did they also tell you about taking dime size bites and chewing 30 times before swallowing? I've practiced that one a lot,,, it will take a lot more concentration to get that one right. Do yall feel as hungry or have all the same cravings as always? I'm thinking that knowing the port is on my stomach and over eating will cause pain,,, is more powerful than willpower ever was, lol.

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Some people love it and I am happy for them, but I feel compelled to tell the my hard truth -I hate it, wish I had never done it, would like to take it out, and feel betrayed that I was misled into thinking what I thought the band would do.

Ok , so here's what I thought:

I thought that after the band,

I( would avoid white bread, and some other foods,)

but I would just eat less, and say,

"Yum, that was good, but I think I am full!"


Pain and fear of slippage means full.

I am still in the beginning stages, but this is my reality -

Pre op diet was protein drinks -that is where most people lose the weight. It was tolerable, but the last few days, I was nauseas to look at the drinks anymore...I was happy, though, because I was getting BANDED! yea.

My surgery was a million times more distressing than I expected. I felt betrayed and surprised.

My recovery: I felt like someone has mugged me and is slashing my guts with razor blades. I couldn't breath, I couldn't sleep, couldn't find peace, my throat was sore and not swallowing well, like I was suffocating, and thought that something was wrong all the time.

Two weeks out -I have called the doctor's office because -

I Couldn't breath, sharp scary pains, was something wrong? did the band slip? Did they puncture my lungs? Maybe, it happens...

I Couldn't eat even broth, Was I going to become malnourished and have to go to the hospital?

I Couldn't drink water, Was I going to become dehydrated and have to go to the hospital on the weekend? Yes, maybe they said.

I just sat and looked at my water glass with the level not moving all day...urging myself to take one more sip of water that felt heavy and had no place to go,

I finally ate Mashed potatoesyesterday and a scrambled egg today!

No, it doesn't feel the same to be full. Your throat feels full, but your stomach is still empty. You do not get a satisfied feeling.

I hurt and am not participating in my own life because all I want to do is nothing but wait for the ticking clock to tell me that 4 (More) weeks have gone by so that things Might be better...

Right now, I am nauseaus and my incisions are burning.

I told my daughter that yes,I was desperate, but if I knew then, I would have instead shipped myself off to some fat camp..another deperate measure, but one that would not butcher my body for the rest of my life (or until removeal)

If now my motivation for not overeating is running from pain -then I would have chosen weight watchers (yes, again for the hundreth time)

So sorry, but feel it is my responsibility to tell you what MIGHT happen. If the trade off is worth it to you, then you should go ahead. No one has a crystal ball, so we can't really KNOW how it is going to be for us.

I wish you good luck, I know how it feels to be looking for that magic cure. Read the messages carefully and you will se that, yes! people are so happy to be losing weight, dressing better,feeling livlier, but also look at the DAILY pain, discomfort, fear,worries? Those messages just pop out at me now.

I feel your pain and am sorry for the bad news. Maybe others will chime in to tell you better things :sneaky:

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OK, I feel compelled to give you my experiences. I had no pre-op diet and lost 20 pounds on my own before the band (I'm a professional yo-yo dieter so this was no biggie for me and I didn't HAVE to lose anything if I didn't want to). Banding went fine and was about as I expected from the reports here. I did end up back in the hospital to check for a clot (I have asthma and was having some pain with breathing, not awful, but I wanted the doc to know about it), but after some testing everything was fine. I did lose about 15 on the post-op liquid diet (as anyone would, and yes I was starving by the end of the 3 weeks as expected) and then things stalled... Exactly as I expected it to after learning here about "bandster hell" and the period everyone goes through before enough fills/restriction. It's been 3 months and I have lost an additional 20 pounds (so 20 pre and 35 post for 55 pounds at 3 mo. post-op) and with 3 fills I now have good restriction and expect things to move a little faster, although as a low BMI'er I'm happy with 1-2 pounds a week. Have I had episodes of sliming and PB's/vomiting? Sure, but after knowing what to expect I can trace each one back to me not doing what I was supposed to...usually, chewing well enough. Restriction does exactly what they promise with the band...it makes you feel 'satisfied' on less food for a longer amount of time...PORTION CONTROL. You'll notice I didn't say 'full' as so many banter about here...'full' is a hard word to use with obese people as we associate 'full' with that thanksgiving stretch your stomach uncomfortable feeling...'satisfied' means I've pleasantly had enough and I'm NOT HUNGRY anymore and I won't be until my next meal. I don't diet anymore...I eat what my family does (except for sweets and sometimes starches although I've had plenty), but I just eat a lot less of it...PORTION CONTROL.

I think if I was only allowed one thing to share with someone about the band is to spend plenty of time researching so you know where to set your expectations. I think many of the ones I see here who are unhappy it's because they had unrealistic expectations to begin with. I EXPECTED: pain after surgery, feeling starving on the post-op liquid diet, going through the discouraging months of bandster hell and waiting for real restriction to come, and my part of the puzzle in all this and what I needed to do to make this work. I had 100 pounds to lose with a 37.7 BMI and I gave myself 2 years to lose it. I had surgery the end of April and told myself that I probably wouldn't get perfect restriction until the fall holidays (I might be close now, but I may need that next fill in September, maybe more?).

Could I have them make my band so tight that it hurts when I eat anything solid even when I chew...sure, and that will certainly stop you from overeating with pain (or keep you drinking your meals as some here do), but that's NOT how any doc wants your band to work (you might as well just spend your money on a liquid protein diet if you're going to do that) and it isn't how it's supposed to work. Could I 'eat around' my band and eat only soft high calorie foods like ice cream and gain weight...sure could...you can 'eat around' any WLS. Could I eat more than I currently do now until my pouch is overfull and I get that stretch the stomach thanksgiving full feeling and the band makes me stop because I feel like I'm going to vomit if I take another bite...sure I could eat more at each meal than I do until I got that hard stop feeling...but here's the amazing part with the band...I don't want or need to anymore...NO food is off limits for me and I never feel deprived and hungry all the time like I did on every other diet I've been on. Does head hunger get the better of me sometimes and do I make bad choices...sure I do, but even that is getting easier with time...let's face it, if we weren't all food addicts with head hunger issues, then we wouldn't be here. I'm willing to continue my efforts that I need to work on because I finally have some help that's not a temporary fix.

Sorry for the ramble, but I thought you might need another 'true story'. Good luck with your decision, as WLS certainly isn't for everyone and even I never thought until about a year 1/2 ago that it would be my answer either. -BG

PS- I've been thin and fat more times than anyone ever should, but these last few weeks when I saw 200, I knew it was for the last time...I LOVE my band.

Ooops- I forgot...WELCOME TO LBT!!! Keep reading and keep in mind that most of those long-term banders who are doing so well with their bands aren't here anymore...they're out living life with gusto...LBT is for information and support, so many people with problems turn here and many like me who are going through the process normally just need support or want to vent for a moment about 'not losing weight this week' are here too. Take it all in and you'll do great.

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Band_Groupie,,,, I want to thank you so much. Reading what you had to say is like reading my own thoughts,,, on the expectations of what will happen. My insurance required an appointment with a dietitian and as I first thought it was a waste of money, it was probably the best 150.00 I will ever spend. She's the one that told me about the importance of dime size bites, chewing till applesauce consistency, what overeating would cause, not to drink during a meal,,, eating in order of protein, fiber then starch to make sure you get all your protein in a day,,, ALL the things that a person is suppose to do to make the band work for you. I will admit, after leaving her office that day, my first thought was if I had to work that hard,,, why go through a surgery,,, just go on yet another diet. Then by the time I got home and telling my husband about the appointment,,, I realized that unlike any other diet that I usually would loose on,,, this was something that would make the weight stay off,,, a tool that would always be with me so that the weight would never come back,,, making all the HARD work that comes with any diet worth it this time,,, because for every pound you loose,,, for every pound marker you met,,, that would be the last time you saw that on your scale. It is exactly like you said,,, it's a mind game more than a hunger game. You are the first person that I've heard say that,,, I thought perhaps I was thinking something so strange,,, even my husband said,,, "if it's a mind game, then why are the diets so hard for you" He really is the most supportive man I know,,, but for an engineer, and a man, it's hard for him to understand how a person can want something so bad and your mind not let you obtain it. So anyway,,, correct me if this isn't what you meant,,, but my thoughts are,,, the mind part of the band comes to play by knowing the band is there,,, When I overeat now, or eat something that's too fatty,,, I know I shouldn't eat it,,, but that mind game of eating comes in and I convince myself I will work out that night and it will be ok,,, whereas with the band,,, you think you just have to have that cookie and milk,,, or the cheeseburger,,, knowing that due to the band,,, you have a possibility of feeling sick, Trowing up, or having pain,,, that head game is much stronger in my opinion to get you to stick to what you should eat. Sorta sad I know,,, thinking that I have NO willpower anymore,,, but going through surgery and having my stomach banded,,,, would stop me from eating wrong. Does all that make sense? Talk about someone rambbling, lol:-)

Anyway,,, I like what you had to say,,, I'm very sad for denuement and her problems. I can't even imagine going through all that,,, it is a fear that mine will go wrong,,, but the doctor and the dietitian have promised me that even though there will be rough days,,, sticking to all the little food rules will bring results with minimum negatives.

I'm very nervous about the surgery,,, first off, because I've never been put to sleep and that frightens me,,, then the thought of having a port that will get a needle poked in it for a fill is a litlte freaky for me. I use to think that the surgery was a cop out,,, that I was going through surgery just because I didn't want to stay on a diet and workout. WELL,,, just let me tell you,,, after the past 6 months and all that I've read and been told,,, this is certainly NOT the easy way out! Perhaps that's what so many people think,,, that you put one bite in your mouth and you are full for the day. Honestly,,, that's what I use to think, lol. I'm worried that I will do something wrong, get sick, and throw up making my band slip. Once I do the surgery thing,,, don't want to do that part again! I was totally surprised to find that the band stays in even after you reach a goal weight. Don't know what I thought,,, but my doctor smiled at me when I asked if the removal of the band was included in the total price,,, he smiled and said,,, how would this be the most successful diet you will ever be on if I took the band out? With the band in,,, you are assured that the weight will never come back,,, That was an eye opener,,, it hit me like a ton of bricks,,,, :-) Ok,,, so I get it,,,, you reach your goal weight,,, you adjust the band as needed and if you ever were to start gaining,,, you can have it tightened again,,,,,,,,,, :-) WOW,,, so many things to learn about this process and I'm so glad that you shared your story with me. I look forward to any additional information that you want to give me:-) All my paperwork will be at the insurance company by the 18th of this month,,, then I have a waiting game for them to give their approval,,, but my doctor is wonderful and has had me do everything that my insurance would require me do,,, hopefully by the end of September I will be banded!!

Hope to hear more good things from you Band_Groupie!

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khawkes- Glad it helped.

I don't know denouement's whole story, so I may be wrong, but I'm guessing she's not too far post op by the 'incisions burning'. Many people go through a period post-op where they get discouraged, aren't feeling well, are starving and wonder why they did this...You just need to understand from the beginning that it's all part of 'Bandster Hell'. Your main objective for the first 6 weeks post-op is healing...that's it. It takes at least that long for your insides to heal. You'll probably have several fills before you feel restriction and many months of feeling hungry and many gain weight during this period. Did I know this was coming...yep...did I whine about it on my blog...sure (that third week on the post-op liquid diet I was so tired and weak I could hardly stand it)...but, I also knew it wouldn't last forever. I think she does have pain, because she's healing or because her doc gave her too much of a fill at surgery (a lot of docs put in a 'primer fill' at surgery and sometimes this is too much for some). I think she does have real hunger, because she doesn't have good restriction yet. I hope that in a few more months or more that denouement will have a whole new outlook on her band.

I want to clarify one item, and we may be saying the same thing, but I want to be clear. You said "When I overeat now, or eat something that's too fatty,,, I know I shouldn't eat it,,, but that mind game of eating comes in and I convince myself I will work out that night and it will be ok,,, whereas with the band,,, you think you just have to have that cookie and milk,,, or the cheeseburger,,, knowing that due to the band,,, you have a possibility of feeling sick, Trowing up, or having pain,,, that head game is much stronger in my opinion to get you to stick to what you should eat." Even with good restriction now I could still eat something very fatty and have no problems with my band...in fact, 'cookies and milk' would go down VERY easily. I still have to fight that head hunger at times and wanting something I shouldn't eat...I still could get into that old pattern of eating something bad and saying I'll work out later. I can 'eat around my band' and gain weight. The head stuff that has changed is what you said...I'm working hard like I usually do (for awhile) on a diet, but this time I'M NOT GAINING IT BACK...THIS IS A NEW LIFESTYLE...I do NOT feel hungry all the time, I do NOT feel deprived...if I need to have a treat I have a bit...I'm fine with working hard for this, but I'm NOT going live the rest of my life on a diet. The old me couldn't have always stopped with a tiny treat...that would sometimes have been my excuse to binge (I'm a huge chocoholic...have been know to eat most of the brownie batter LOL) and sometimes give up the diet because I'd just 'broken the diet'. You're right...I know I can't eat the whole bag of cookies anymore...the band pouch won't hold that, but it's not fear of pain that keeps me from eating the whole bag (yes, at the beginning, you go through some mourning that you ONLY get to eat 1 cup of your wonderful dinner out, instead of the whole dinner)...I really don't WANT the whole bag of cookies because I'm NOT hungry...I DO feel satisfied, it's just head hunger and allowing myself a little treat now and then isn't going to make you gain...it will slow your weight loss, but I'm OK with losing slowly as long as I can eat like a normal person and what my family is eating. It's like you're at a party and you've filled yourself up until you're more than satified on good foods and then a neighbor comes in with your favorite food...you know it's head hunger and it's easier for you to stop (or even not have any) with a small taste because you're already full. There are bandster's here who are still on 'restrictive diets' and some that substitute meals with protein shakes...and yes, they're losing it faster and that's what works for them. I would never have gotten the band if they told me I had to do another restrictive diet (been there, done that). So far, there is nothing I can't eat. I'm eating like a normal, skinny person...with a little more emphasis perhaps on the protein. My 'diet' is exactly what they advertise with the band PORTION CONTROL!

Best wishes! -BG

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Hey Band_Groupie:-)

Maybe I was confused just a little. Reading a lot of what people are saying,,, it seems that they still want to eat so badly,,, so I was turning that into the head game that one must always have when on any diet, with the difference being you were banded and along with that knowledge,,, would help my head game eating more than willpower alone.

Ok,,, with that said. I'm very interested in your last comments about eating what you want, feeling satisfied and such. You feel satisfied? Example,,, weight watchers dinners,,, eat one for lunch and want another one to really feel satisfied,,, with the band,,, you still eat the weight watchers dinner,,, but eat only one or perhaps part of one and get the same satisfaction as you did with two full dinners,,, right? Part of the satisfaction being eating what you did before as well as feeling full due to the band.

I hate to keep bothering you for info,,, and I hope you don't mind,,, but I have a few questions.

After surgery,,, could you walk around by that day or for sure the next? I've been told that my c-section was a lot worse than this will be. I have a little girl and I'm worried about being able to care for her during the day,,, my husband can't take off 6 weeks with me, lol:-)

Also on that subject,,, I've been told by many people that it's almost like the feeling you get from working out your abs a LOT,,, the soreness you get afterwards. I know I won't be able to life my daughter,,, but what about moving around the house and cooking or folding laundry,,, guess I'm asking how restricted were you in the few days that followed surgery.

It sounds like we are on the same page as far as not living on chicken broth for the rest of our lives. Me personally, I'm already dreading eating all my food separat,,, protien, fiber, carbs in order. BUT,,, I am willing to do so to make this work,,,with the thoughts that one day when I reach my goal,,, I will eat my foods together again,,, like spaghetti sauce mixed in with the noodles. I laugh thinking about how many things I cook that are all mixed in together and how funny it will look to make spaghetti with my little separate piles of meat, tomatoe sauce and noodles, lol:-)

I like that you are eating what you normally did with the portion control and doing it with your band filled,,, I thought I might have to wait till I was at my goal weight,,, perhaps my experience will be different than yours,,, but knowing there is a chance that it can be a good experience like you are having is great!

My cousin had her's done a year ago and still has to throw up,,, last night she ate a plum and got sick. I have a friend that got banded in March and has only lost 9 pounds,,, she's had no problems of sickness,,, has had around 5 fills and still she eat's quarter pounders and fries like always. Along with some other stories of people I know and people on here,,, it wasn't looking like a positive experience. I think it's like you said,,, it's more likely that people are on here with problems because they need support more than people that are zooming through with little problems.

Anyway,,, I'm glad that you sent me your information. I'll be interested in hearing how you felt the first 3 to 4 days after surgery.

Thanks for everything!! :-)

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Just checking back in to see if you posted ;-) I think it's important to know where people are (how much restriction they have) when you read the posts. There are primarily pre-ops and newly post-ops here as you'd expect. You'll see lots of posts of hungry people who don't have enough restriction yet (I was one of those recently). I can tell you that I am NOT hungry now. You're right, I feel like I have way more on my side now than just willpower. I was STARVING on just about every diet I've been on (and I've been on most of them), except maybe Atkins, which I also did very well on because I could eat massive amounts of food as long as they were low carb...big portions worked well, but even I couldn't live like that forever LOL!

I wrote about the difference between full and satisfied in one of my blogs and like I said in my first post here it's something we obese people have to learn. I definitely feel satisfied after a much smaller meal...like just before you get that really full feeling (your right, same as before the band on a much bigger meal)...I just know I've had enough...I try not to eat until I get that

Thanksgiving full' uncomfortable feeling, but sometimes there's a delayed reaction with fullness so it happens, but still on WAY less food. I think part of this is that you have to be willing to test things...ie. I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast and one day to test things, I tried 1/2 a bowl one morning and was surprised to find that I had absolutely no hunger before my next meal. According to my doc, I can eat 1 1/2C with each meal...I'm satisfied with less than that.

I was in the hospital overnight and by the second day I was up and walking the halls before I left. The pain is most pronounced when you're moving around and the worst when you're getting up or down (like it would be with a very sore stomach). I think my banding was a Wed. and DH took that day and Thurs/Fri off to help me. Some have a lot of the gas pains and referred shoulder pain, but I didn't (walking helps a lot with this). I'm not sure how young your daughter is, but like you said, you won't be able to pick anything up that's more than 10 pounds for awhile...I'm sure your doc will tell you how long it will be so you can arrange for other help if you need it. I didn't lift the laundry, but before the end of a week I was moving aroung and folding it. Almost everyone turns the corner in less than a week, but for a rare few I've read here it takes 10 days or so and others are back to work in a few days.

I usually eat the protein portion of the meal first then veggies and sometimes fruit. I usually skip the starch, but not always. I occasionally eat the spaghetti with meat sauce (yes, together with more of the meat sauce than usual on my helping), or the hamburger helper (I'm not a cook) yes with noodles, but sometimes I'll have a different entree when it's mainly a starch. Other than that, I eat what the family has.

If your cousin is still vomiting a year out, I'd guess her band is too tight or she hasn't learned what triggers it (and most that are doing well don't PB much a year out as they've learned those lessons). Your other friend definitely needs a fill...you'll see some here who just 'give up' and think it's not going to work for them so they stop going for fills...then there are others who don't like the restriction and miss being able to eat like they did before, so they don't get fills. There's one gal who blogged here that it took 14 fills/or unfills and an entire year before she got to her sweet spot...now that's perserverance! I think you have to set those expectations realistically and be willing to wait and do whatever it takes until your band is working the way it should for you...then the real magic begins.

Keep posting and ask away...there's lots of great people and help to be had here...and I'm always around too! -BG

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You are awesome,,, I've enjoyed all that you had to say. Most of it matches with what I've learned from my doctor and the dietitian I met with.

As far as my expectations go,,, to go to the length of surgery for weight loss,,, I WILL make this work. I'm sure if it's a rough go at the beginning,,, I will be on here asking for all the verbal support I can get. I have read so many things and talked to so many people,,, I want as much info as I can get before hand. With my paperwork going to the insurance company the end of next week,,, I've started to practice some of the habits now,,, like taking dime size bites and chewing 30 or more times before swallowing,,, I've even started doing protein shakes for breakfast,,, tried yesterday to do it for breakfast and lunch,,, but ended up eating what my 3 year old left on her plate,,, but hey, it's a start,,, baby steps, lol:-) I walk the stairs during the day,,, walk some, it's SO hot here in Houston,,, and ride my bike after the sun goes down,,, I'm hoping that if I'm in a little better shape,,, then it will be a little better on me after surgery. I had a c-section with my daughter 3 years ago and I did great afterwards,,, of course I overdid it as the doctor told me not to,,, but I could tell if I was doing too much and I'd slow down. I remember my mom came to stay with us the week after Julie was born and she ended up holding the baby and I was doing the laundry and cooking, lol. But,,, I'm 3 years older now and 50 pounds heavier,,, but I'm praying for the best.

Did you stay overnight because you had a rough time and needed the rest,,,, or is that what your doc required? My doc said that if everything went well, I would have it that morning and be home that afternoon. I'm praying for the day long thing,,, I'm planning on feeling better within the week as I did with the c-section,,, so if that's my mind set,,, then that's what I'll work towards:-) I can deal with some pain,,, what put's me under is the sick stomach feeling and needing to throw-up,,,, blahhhhhh,,,,

Speaking of that,,, did you get sick at your stomach afterwards? I know some people do just from the meds to put you to sleep. My doctor told me that I shouldn't have problems with being sick at my stomach if I followed what he told me to do,,,, and you can bet,,, I will do anything he says if it means no throwing up! LOL He said that if I were to ever get some sort of sick stomach virus during the process,,, he would call me in some sort of meds to try and stop it,,,, COOL :-)

Did you know before the surgery all the pros and cons? Meaning,,, did you know about the dime size bites,,, no drinking during your meal,,, drinking all the water,,, eating the protein first and so on? Did you do the puree meat week? I'm so looking forward to that! LOL The dietitian said it would be good to cook some meat,,, puree it and freeze it in ice cube trays before the surgery,,, that way, when it was time and I may or may not feel well,,, I would have it ready,,, could pop in the microwave and have a nice little tasty treat, lol:-)

Well,,, we just came home from The Rainforest Cafe in which I DID eat some of the volcano desert,,, so I'm feeling that "Thanksgiving Full" right now. BUT,,, I'm so interested in any information you have for me regarding the days before surgery,,, 10 days of protein shakes,,, and the week following surgery. I feel that we have some of the same views on things,,, so your thoughts will help me prepare:-)

Thanks for everything so far,,,, have a great Sunday!

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I would never have this surgery again!!!! Dr Laker did my surgery at the DMC, Michigan. cost $9,900 May of 08 Now Aug. 4 of 09 I have not lost 1 pound, I had to have the port replaced, because The good doctor punctured my tubing insted of the port and he has gone on to charge me an additional $11,387.27, I do not think an assumed risk that you take when you have this surgery is reason enough for that additional charge. Be prepaired to pay for anything that goes wrong, it usually does, from what I have herd.

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