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Finaly had the surgery!

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Had my surgery on July 11th, 2009 in Mexico. I have to be honest i was pretty scared. However everything went great! It has been 3 weeks today and i feel great. I have amzaing support from my boyfriend. If it wasn`t for him i don`t think i would be doing so great!:biggrin: Now the beginning of my new life has just started and i am very excited for what is a head for me in my future:thumbup:.

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Had my surgery on July 11th, 2009 in Mexico. I have to be honest i was pretty scared. However everything went great! It has been 3 weeks today and i feel great. I have amzaing support from my boyfriend. If it wasn`t for him i don`t think i would be doing so great!:sneaky: Now the beginning of my new life has just started and i am very excited for what is a head for me in my future:thumbup:.

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Good to hear that you're feeling great and have the support of your boyfriend.

Listen to your body, don't over do it even if you feel better. I thought I was doing well my first couple of weeks out and then I picked up a watermelon. Oh the pain. I thought for sure I had pulled everything apart. No, I just pulled a muscle.

I was banded on 7/11 too but mine was back in 2006. I was doing well in the first year and thought that I could finish it on my own. No support, no more fills...well 3 years later I'm back. I gained some of my weight back but now I'm on track and losing again.

Stay with the plan, keep your eating journal, drink your water, exercise (when you're ready) and keep us updated on your journey into your new life.

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