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First Hours Post Op - So Far So Good

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I reckon I'll post this later in the surgery day stories, but thought I should document now as I tend to forget stuff.


Got up, showered, and got to the surgical center at about 10 till 6am. Checked in and was in the back changing by 6:15. My husand sat with me and tried to reassure me that everything would be fine. I was very nervous, but ok.


My nurse was really nice and explained what she was going to do and had me fill out a few forms. She then gave me two Oxycontin extended release (sp?) pills to take along with a Celebrex tablet. She had some trouble getting the IV into my right hand and then tried the left. It appears that even though I've been driking liquids for the last two weeks, I was slightly dehydrated today. She gave me a heperin (sp?) type injection into my lower stomach. The needle didn't hurt but the injection did sting for a few minutes after. One of the anestesia doctors came in and got the IV in on my right forearm and proceeded to get the juices and anti-nausea meds going.


Shortly after getting my IV, I heard a lady across from my cubby explaining that she has a fear of needles to the nurses. She began to hyperventilate as they tried to numb her for the IV. A few other nurses voices could be heard trying to calm her down and allowed her to recover before their second try. I knew when they went in for the second try too. You would have thought the lady was having intimate relations! :P It was a welcome distraction for me anyway though I felt for her and she was fine.



Around 7:20am I was given two injections through the IV to calm me and the PA and surgeon stopped in to see how I was. Shortly after I had to tell my husband goodbye and they wheeled me back to the OR. I don't remember exactly whether they had me jump tables or not. I remember having my arms outstretched and a mask placed over my face and told to breathe deep a few times. I think the 3rd breath took me out. ;)


Next thing I know I'm waking up and a nice lady is talking to me. I was a little sleepy but more alert than I had anticipated that I would be. I could open my eyes easily and smile and ask questions. The only pain I was having was in my actual stomach, kinda low. I would rate the pain at a 5, but the nurse hooked me up with more meds and it became a 2. The other weird thing was that it seemed that my stomach muscles were trying to contract as if I was doing sit ups or something. I would notice pain and then realize that the muscles were contracted and ask my body to cool it! LOL I also had slight pain in my shoulders from time to time.


I asked the nurse about how everything went and how I did. She said everything was excellent. I asked how many incisions and was told 5. I was somewhat upset at this since I had hoped for a max of three. Once I was pretty well alert they rolled me to the next area. I asked for some ice and water. They brought me slightly warm water and ice chips. My mouth and lips were dry. I was then offered a popcicle and I took it with pleasure. I had no discomfort or restriction with drinking. I was pleasantly surprised that I have been able to continue to drink just fine at home too.


In the second recovery area, my only requirements were to be able to drink, walk, and pee. Within 1/2 hour I did all three and was on my way home. The drive home was fine as I only live about 5 miles from the surgical center.


I felt sleepy, but I haven't been able to really sleep. I've been sitting on the couch propped up and then getting up to walk around. I felt as if I could go walk around about anywhere until around 6:30pm. I'm having terrible cotton mouth and throat though, but it seems to be subsiding. Sucking on my chewable multivitamin and chocolate calcium supplement have helped with the swelling/dryness it seems. My cheeks were sticking to my teeth! Very strange!


The good stuff has worn off and now I'm kinda sore. It's muscle type of soreness in the middle of my stomach. As much as I didn't wanna, I took some liquid Lortab to see if it would take me back to the nice comfort level I was having.


I've been sucking on H20 and Diet Snapple. I have taken the acid reducer pill thingie too and have not had any problems so far. I was soooooooo afraid to be sick to my stomach, I cannot take nausea. I have anti nausea melti pills, but have not needed them. I feel better knowing they're there though.


Until 6:00pm or so, I began to wonder if there was anything behind the bandages or around my stomach.

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