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Hi, my name is Em and I'm a food addict....

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Apparently I am either a food addict or a person who just cannot stand being ravenous. I think it may be a bit of both.

I started the 14 liquids last Tues. and fell off of the wagon somewhat this weekend due to hunger and being emotional due to being ravenous. I was completely unable to concentrate Friday and began having second thoughts about getting the band vs the sleeve (after reading some posts here about whether you regretted getting the band over the sleeve. I then proceeded to have an emotional breakdown pity party that continued into the weekend. I convinced myself that I am torturing myself and wondering if it will be worth it. I decided that if you wanted to torture a prisoner or terrorist, give them a liquid regimen. They'll crack. I was never so happy to have lettuce in all of my life. It was crunch heaven!

I'm jealous of those who do not have to do pre op liquids though I'm told I have to do it "for my own safety".

So now I will be back on liquids again tomorrow for the remaining 8 pre op days. I don't care how crazy I get from hunger or how badly I break down, this is the final stretch. This is it. I believe that once the surgery is over and I'm no longer in pain, I will be fine and successful.

Now I have new fears that I had not thought about prior to reading the band vs sleeve posts: Having ANY trouble with the band system (ie flipped port, leaking ANYWHERE, band failure, anything etc) It didn't hit me that this would need lifelong mechanical maintenance and possible replacement in the future, who knows?

My husband was laid off last Monday. Perfect timing since I had completed all of the pre op testing on his insurance and now the rest is the self pay portion package which includes two years of post op fills and stuff. As long as nothing goes wrong after surgery or EVER with the band, it should be smooth sailing. Right?

Logically I know this liquid thing isn't torture, but my addict side says it is. :cool:

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Apparently I am either a food addict or a person who just cannot stand being ravenous. I think it may be a bit of both.

I started the 14 liquids last Tues. and fell off of the wagon somewhat this weekend due to hunger and being emotional due to being ravenous. I was completely unable to concentrate Friday and began having second thoughts about getting the band vs the sleeve (after reading some posts here about whether you regretted getting the band over the sleeve. I then proceeded to have an emotional breakdown pity party that continued into the weekend. I convinced myself that I am torturing myself and wondering if it will be worth it. I decided that if you wanted to torture a prisoner or terrorist, give them a liquid regimen. They'll crack. I was never so happy to have lettuce in all of my life. It was crunch heaven!

I'm jealous of those who do not have to do pre op liquids though I'm told I have to do it "for my own safety".

So now I will be back on liquids again tomorrow for the remaining 8 pre op days. I don't care how crazy I get from hunger or how badly I break down, this is the final stretch. This is it. I believe that once the surgery is over and I'm no longer in pain, I will be fine and successful.

Now I have new fears that I had not thought about prior to reading the band vs sleeve posts: Having ANY trouble with the band system (ie flipped port, leaking ANYWHERE, band failure, anything etc) It didn't hit me that this would need lifelong mechanical maintenance and possible replacement in the future, who knows?

My husband was laid off last Monday. Perfect timing since I had completed all of the pre op testing on his insurance and now the rest is the self pay portion package which includes two years of post op fills and stuff. As long as nothing goes wrong after surgery or EVER with the band, it should be smooth sailing. Right?

Logically I know this liquid thing isn't torture, but my addict side says it is. :thumbup:

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Hi Em,

You will one day look back and see what a great job you did. You are soooo right...when you say it is hard..it is hard but worth it. I only had to do liquids 3 days before my band and on the 3rd and final night..I was amazed I had done it. I just got my band 3 days ago and I am sooo glad I have it. It makes you change for the better.

I did a lot of chicken boullion cubes and had my protein shakes 3 times a day. That really helps to kick they giant in the belly screaming to be fed! Hang in there..you will be sooooo glad you did. Best Wishes!!

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Thank you Cindy for the encouragment. I truly appreciate it. I try to stay on top of the hunger, but they've got me on a low cal low carb diet. It's difficult to stay below 950 cal/day and NOT be hungry! LOL I did figure out how to make the broth of hot and sour soup and that has helped with the blandness.

How is the post op pain? I'm hoping that it's not too bad. I wish you the best in your journey as well and congratulations!

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i was just banded 6/23, and (tomorrow my one week anniversary i suppose).

one of the best "meals" i have had:

french onion soup (with all the spices and onions strained out of course) and this high protein pink lemonade drink "k20" made by kellogs. good luck

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wow..looking at your post i see that you and i both have had a difficult time with the liquid diet..my advice is that no matter what you stick to it becuase i didnt and wish i had.. post op pain?..well i was walking around the same day of my banding, it only hurt when i slept becuase im a big roller in my sleep..good luck hun

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Thanks you guys. I really appreciate it. I'm not sure why I don't get notifications that someone has commented on the blog or I would have thanked you sooner! :) I wish you all the best!

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