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Question about PBs

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kris c


Please tell me what PB is? I've heard it used here, but nothing comes to mind. I know what slimming is and I know what throwing up is cause I have done both since the band. I learned that ALL BREAD -- Wheat or White, Rye or Pumpernickel must be out of my diet! It's just too painful! Way too hard to digest.

I still find myself eating when I am not hungry. :crying: Even if it is Hummus. :eek: I think I am going to do the OA meetings online.:cool: The person to person meetings where I live is not very strong; not much recovery happening in those rooms.

Such a journey. No Quick fixes and or magic cures!! :bored: Gonna keep pluging along.

Let me know about the PB's tho. Thanks! :smile2:

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Please tell me what PB is? I've heard it used here, but nothing comes to mind. I know what slimming is and I know what throwing up is cause I have done both since the band. I learned that ALL BREAD -- Wheat or White, Rye or Pumpernickel must be out of my diet! It's just too painful! Way too hard to digest.

I still find myself eating when I am not hungry. :crying: Even if it is Hummus. :eek: I think I am going to do the OA meetings online.:thumbup: The person to person meetings where I live is not very strong; not much recovery happening in those rooms.

Such a journey. No Quick fixes and or magic cures!! :bored: Gonna keep pluging along.

Let me know about the PB's tho. Thanks! :smile2:

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Productive Burp. When you burp a lot after you eat and it comes back up. I've struggled with Pb's since my 2nd fill but I make sure I take a chewable Pepcid at least 30 minutes before I eat and it has been a life saver!

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Hey ! Thank you! And thanks for the tip too! Take care, I hope you continue to do well on your journey!

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