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For everyone....Has Weight stopped you...

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I am a pretty lonely person, I think I have a good personality, and I am caring about others. Yet I seem to not have to many friends... My husband is my best friend. Yesterday at work everyone decided to go to six flags, they all worked around their schedules, except for mine. I keep thinking if they feel that maybe I wont be able to keep up with them, if they have to wait for me, or watch me take the walk of shame, because I wont fit into rides. I sometimes think well geez I am not that fat, but then when I had to ask for a seat belt extender on an airplane, I knew I was way fatter than what I thought.

They all go shopping together, but I am not there size so I know there is no point in going, but I don't know how to tell them that it hurts my feelings when they don't include me. They are all really nice, and they don't want to humilate me when the event happens.

-I just wonder if it is my size keeping me down or is it just me?

-Will my life change, regarding making friends and having fun, once my surgery is over with?

I seem to always be the friend that people want to go have lunch or dinner with. Does anyone else feel like that? How has is changed since you have lost weight.

-Weight has stopped me from:

*dancing in public

*wearing a bathing suit in public

*going to the pool

*going to six flags

*going up the sears tower

*hiking up an ecuadorian volcano(once an a lifetime oppurtunity, to out of shape to do it)

*going up a mountain ride

*going rollerblading

*going ice skating

*going rock climbing

*going to the mall, and finding clothes that fit me

*eating in public and not feeling ashamed

*running after my nice and nephew

*driving a motorcycle

*driving a 1972 mustang (couldn't fit, I cried)

*going down a water slide

* going on bumper cars, or any rides at carnivals

*wearing high heels



*going more than 3 flights of stairs

*talking to people confidently

I am going to change all this, I know that lap band isn't a miracle, that I will have to change my lifestyle.

Before I decided to have this done, I wrote a list of pros and cons. My cons were

1. I could die.....My pro was 1. I will live longer, healthier. I hope this will give me that boost in life, I want to do so much in my life, yet there is this weight, this overbaggage, that I have carried for to long of time. My parasitic twin that invaded my body, and made others see it and not me. A burden, that makes me ache and groan every step I take. I WILL NOT LET WEIGHT STOP ME ANYMORE!!!!:thumbup::angry::tt1::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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I am a pretty lonely person, I think I have a good personality, and I am caring about others. Yet I seem to not have to many friends... My husband is my best friend. Yesterday at work everyone decided to go to six flags, they all worked around their schedules, except for mine. I keep thinking if they feel that maybe I wont be able to keep up with them, if they have to wait for me, or watch me take the walk of shame, because I wont fit into rides. I sometimes think well geez I am not that fat, but then when I had to ask for a seat belt extender on an airplane, I knew I was way fatter than what I thought.

They all go shopping together, but I am not there size so I know there is no point in going, but I don't know how to tell them that it hurts my feelings when they don't include me. They are all really nice, and they don't want to humilate me when the event happens.

-I just wonder if it is my size keeping me down or is it just me?

-Will my life change, regarding making friends and having fun, once my surgery is over with?

I seem to always be the friend that people want to go have lunch or dinner with. Does anyone else feel like that? How has is changed since you have lost weight.

-Weight has stopped me from:

*dancing in public

*wearing a bathing suit in public

*going to the pool

*going to six flags

*going up the sears tower

*hiking up an ecuadorian volcano(once an a lifetime oppurtunity, to out of shape to do it)

*going up a mountain ride

*going rollerblading

*going ice skating

*going rock climbing

*going to the mall, and finding clothes that fit me

*eating in public and not feeling ashamed

*running after my nice and nephew

*driving a motorcycle

*driving a 1972 mustang (couldn't fit, I cried)

*going down a water slide

* going on bumper cars, or any rides at carnivals

*wearing high heels



*going more than 3 flights of stairs

*talking to people confidently

I am going to change all this, I know that lap band isn't a miracle, that I will have to change my lifestyle.

Before I decided to have this done, I wrote a list of pros and cons. My cons were

1. I could die.....My pro was 1. I will live longer, healthier. I hope this will give me that boost in life, I want to do so much in my life, yet there is this weight, this overbaggage, that I have carried for to long of time. My parasitic twin that invaded my body, and made others see it and not me. A burden, that makes me ache and groan every step I take. I WILL NOT LET WEIGHT STOP ME ANYMORE!!!!:o:angry::blush::angry::lol::angry::angry:

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You will read lots of blogs where we all have had hurt feelings, anger, crying spells, etc. Unfortunately, people can be cruel sometimes. I know I have felt and been where you are (and still am to some extent). I was banded on 3/30/09. I made the decision because I was tired of life passing me by. There was so much that I wanted to do. Have confidence in yourself. People are missing out on a great friendship with you. So now, you just concentrate on you, and get ready for a wonderful adventure. God Bless You!

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You sound a lot like me. I avoid many social situations because of my weight. The task of trying to find something to wear is always a problem. Although he would never say so, I think my husband is embarrassed to have me meet the people he works with - he's attractive, athletic - and in the back of my mind I always think people are wondering what such an attractive guy is doing with the fat woman.

But I think it's time we stop all that and go forward from here. That's what I intend to do. I want to forget all the hurt, and just get ridiculously gorgeous! You sound like you are a sensitive person. Take pride in the things you know you do well, and let's get on the bandwagon.

Hang in there!

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I swear I could have written that blog!!!! I'm terrifed of rejection for surgery as I am a self payer!!! First appointment with surgeon is in 2 days!!! I'm a wreck!! I'm sick of living this way, I'm NOT really living cause I'm too embarassed to be in public!!! Its good to hear I'm not alone on this!! Best wishes with whatever you choose to do!!! I AM MAKING THE CHANGE!

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