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10 days after LB

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kris c


If anyone tells you this is an easy procedure; please keep reading. This has been the most difficult surgery I have had. Thus after 2 c-sections, ruptured oviarian cyst and galbladder removal. The first 5 days are HELL!!! I constantly felt like I was having a heart attack as there was sooo much pressure in my chest and pain in my shoulder. Now I did have a hernia repair. My surgeon found it upon opening me up the day of the LB procedure. That may have caused SOME of the pain. BUT here's my thing....if I would of BEEN TOLD that there was pain like a heart attack with the excrushating pressure, I would have prepared myself mentally and physically for that. BUT I thought I was just going in for a simple basically PAINLESS procedure!! because that is what I was told by my DR!! He also mentioned (merely, I asure you!) that I may have some gas pain from the air.

HUH!?!?!?! I like to know what I am getting into before I go into it! YEAH!!! I never read a blog on here about pain or heart attack feeling and you know what?--- all of that is to BE EXPECTED with this surgery. And it is surgery!! Not just a procedure! Don't be fooled! The good news is on day 10 I am feeling much, much better and can actually say I have no pain whatsoever! I think the hard part is over!! Yah!! :thumbup: The weight is still coming off, scale going down and NO HUNGER!! A miracle! Nothing short of it! Thank God for this LB!! I know it is going to save my life! :confused:

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If anyone tells you this is an easy procedure; please keep reading. This has been the most difficult surgery I have had. Thus after 2 c-sections, ruptured oviarian cyst and galbladder removal. The first 5 days are HELL!!! I constantly felt like I was having a heart attack as there was sooo much pressure in my chest and pain in my shoulder. Now I did have a hernia repair. My surgeon found it upon opening me up the day of the LB procedure. That may have caused SOME of the pain. BUT here's my thing....if I would of BEEN TOLD that there was pain like a heart attack with the excrushating pressure, I would have prepared myself mentally and physically for that. BUT I thought I was just going in for a simple basically PAINLESS procedure!! because that is what I was told by my DR!! He also mentioned (merely, I asure you!) that I may have some gas pain from the air.

HUH!?!?!?! I like to know what I am getting into before I go into it! YEAH!!! I never read a blog on here about pain or heart attack feeling and you know what?--- all of that is to BE EXPECTED with this surgery. And it is surgery!! Not just a procedure! Don't be fooled! The good news is on day 10 I am feeling much, much better and can actually say I have no pain whatsoever! I think the hard part is over!! Yah!! :) The weight is still coming off, scale going down and NO HUNGER!! A miracle! Nothing short of it! Thank God for this LB!! I know it is going to save my life! :(

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Ummm...I'm guessing you didn't read my post-op blogs LOL. I think each surgery effects us differently; I've been through other major surgeries that didn't effect me as much, and there are plenty of people here who were up and around in a day or two. It does get better fast though, doesn't it...it's all worth it!!! Glad you're feeling better!

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Glad you are feeling much better. I also had some pain, but was told beforehand that I would. My previous gall bladder surgery though was much harder. It took me about 7 days before I felt "normal" again... :(

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