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What do you mean - NO ANIMAL PROTIEN

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WARNING - this is an embarrassing topic.


Okay, don't ask my why, but my stupid body went wacko. I mean totally freaked out. It all started when I noticed an unusual sensativity to milk and dairy products. I use to eat Sugar Free Pudding, Dark Chocolate and cheese. I started getting very serious lactose problem so I assumed I was lactose intollerant. So I switched to Lactaid Milk. Occassionally had pudding and cheese, but noticed that the symptoms were getting worse. So I cut out all Dairy except Lactaid Milk.


Then the sensativity got worse, and so did, do I dare say it, the gas! Soon every night was torture. I was so bloated I looked PG and it was not nice when nature took it's course. Weekends were spent trying to hide from my hubby. Eating had became torture and I started living on Cheerios and protien drink. I figured it had to be food so I started to avoid eating. I increased my protien drink, which was a whey product. I even got the bright idea to try eggs - WRONG!


Then my sweet understanding hubby told me to go to the Dr, THIS IS NOT NORMAL.


So, made my appointment and god love my Dr. He sat and talked to me and we spent half an hour together. Did I mention that the gas was real bad, call me Pepe Le Pue! Actually he might have run for cover. Embarrassing was not the word. Anyway, My Doctor told me that the odor and gas was from a sensativity to Protien, ANIMAL protien. Good Grief, who ever heard of such a thing. But I was desperate. I listened, actually listened. Before I would say YEAH YEAH YEAH and then do as I wanted, which was to eat EVERYTHING. But this time I listened and on the way home stopped at the store.


I purchased some Soy Protien Powder. I also purchased Soy Milk. Now I have to tell you. I have to have my chocolate. So I bought Chocolate Silk Light, Extra Vanilla Soy Milk and Chocolate Soy Protien Powder. What a difference. I still get a little gassy from the soy, but that is why they made beano. But the "skunk" is gone.


Or should I say was. Dr had also told me to eat more fish. Tonight was Salmon, and the "skunk" returned, but not as rabid as before. But I ate protien that was not vegetable. Funny I didn't realize that Tuna had caused me problems too.


I guess I am now a Vegiterian, but not by choice. Turns out your "gut" has bacteria and it can get out of wack. Mine went crazy. Maybe a veggie life will be good for me.


Soy Milk is not as bad as I had thought and the Chocolate is heaven. I will still continue one shake a day to make sure I am getting enough protien, but I guess I will be buying stock in Beano and eating more veggies, whole grains like Quinoa for my protiens.


I will still go back to the Dr and let him know that Fish hates me too. But for now, "It's a Soy Wold After All."

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WARNING - this is an embarrassing topic.

Okay, don't ask my why, but my stupid body went wacko. I mean totally freaked out. It all started when I noticed an unusual sensativity to milk and dairy products. I use to eat Sugar Free Pudding, Dark Chocolate and cheese. I started getting very serious lactose problem so I assumed I was lactose intollerant. So I switched to Lactaid Milk. Occassionally had pudding and cheese, but noticed that the symptoms were getting worse. So I cut out all Dairy except Lactaid Milk.

Then the sensativity got worse, and so did, do I dare say it, the gas! Soon every night was torture. I was so bloated I looked PG and it was not nice when nature took it's course. Weekends were spent trying to hide from my hubby. Eating had became torture and I started living on Cheerios and protien drink. I figured it had to be food so I started to avoid eating. I increased my protien drink, which was a whey product. I even got the bright idea to try eggs - WRONG!

Then my sweet understanding hubby told me to go to the Dr, THIS IS NOT NORMAL.

So, made my appointment and god love my Dr. He sat and talked to me and we spent half an hour together. Did I mention that the gas was real bad, call me Pepe Le Pue! Actually he might have run for cover. Embarrassing was not the word. Anyway, My Doctor told me that the odor and gas was from a sensativity to Protien, ANIMAL protien. Good Grief, who ever heard of such a thing. But I was desperate. I listened, actually listened. Before I would say YEAH YEAH YEAH and then do as I wanted, which was to eat EVERYTHING. But this time I listened and on the way home stopped at the store.

I purchased some Soy Protien Powder. I also purchased Soy Milk. Now I have to tell you. I have to have my chocolate. So I bought Chocolate Silk Light, Extra Vanilla Soy Milk and Chocolate Soy Protien Powder. What a difference. I still get a little gassy from the soy, but that is why they made beano. But the "skunk" is gone.

Or should I say was. Dr had also told me to eat more fish. Tonight was Salmon, and the "skunk" returned, but not as rabid as before. But I ate protien that was not vegetable. Funny I didn't realize that Tuna had caused me problems too.

I guess I am now a Vegiterian, but not by choice. Turns out your "gut" has bacteria and it can get out of wack. Mine went crazy. Maybe a veggie life will be good for me.

Soy Milk is not as bad as I had thought and the Chocolate is heaven. I will still continue one shake a day to make sure I am getting enough protien, but I guess I will be buying stock in Beano and eating more veggies, whole grains like Quinoa for my protiens.

I will still go back to the Dr and let him know that Fish hates me too. But for now, "It's a Soy Wold After All."

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Did your doctor say anything about HOW or WHY this occurred?...I am very interested...thanks, Cali

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Seems that the culpret is Whey and Milk. Dr told me that you can develop allergies at any time in your life. AT 50, yes at 50. So I am back on egg whites, no dairy, no whey. I can eat egg whites and oatmeal for dinner, Dr thinks that is great. Still have some gas issues, go next week to the Dr and we will discuss.

He had me back track and all of this started when Costco quit selling EAS protien powder and I had to switch to another brand that they carried. It was downhill from there. And once the allergy began it went nuts. So egg yokes, no, egg whites, yes. Oh and the soy, it seems that 25% of people who are alergic to Whey are sensative to Soy Products.

I was shooting myself in the foot trying to make it better.

So now I drink Rice or Almond Milk and I stick to some of the super grains. I do endulge in Chocolate Almond Milk/Drink. It is fantastic! I told Dr, I have to have my chocolate.

What is funny is that he is okay with the Chocolate Almond drink. It has some sugar, but all in all I am healthy and I follow his directions.

Hope this helps. I am the exception, not the rule. As I get older I have developed more alergies. And some are for things I have used for years and then all of a sudden, I am alergic. Go Figure

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