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6 month diet plan

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So I've been approved by UHC., but I have to go through the 6 month diet plan. OK I have been well over 300 lbs since i played college volleyball in 2004 after my first child. I'm 6'2 and in 2004 I weighted 190lbs. Now it's 2009, 2 kids and 140lbs later, I'm pretty sure I don't need to be evaluated for six months.


okay I just wanted to get that off my chest.:thumbup:


I visited with my pcp today and she just asked me what i been doing to try and loose weight, not what i need to do. so do you have any suggestions on what kind of foods to eat that i can get my non veggie eating DH and DD to eat? I really want to make this a family affair

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So I've been approved by UHC., but I have to go through the 6 month diet plan. OK I have been well over 300 lbs since i played college volleyball in 2004 after my first child. I'm 6'2 and in 2004 I weighted 190lbs. Now it's 2009, 2 kids and 140lbs later, I'm pretty sure I don't need to be evaluated for six months.

okay I just wanted to get that off my chest.:(

I visited with my pcp today and she just asked me what i been doing to try and loose weight, not what i need to do. so do you have any suggestions on what kind of foods to eat that i can get my non veggie eating DH and DD to eat? I really want to make this a family affair

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HI , i wanted to let you know i had to do the 6 month thing wich was a bummer to hear in the first place but let me tell you time goes by sooo quick its crazy b4 you know you will be done .. i just got finished with mine and now i have to wait another 2-3 weeks to see if i get an approval .. so wish me luck .. any who to help with your answer . eat chicken no skin . baked or grilled stay away from frying foods ,, fish is always great! .. and the big rule go with whole wheat . they even make wheat pasta now .. also brown rice is best . and viggies are always good . just try to steam them and not drown them butter .. say good buy 2 coke , and say hi to drinks like crystal light and lots and lots of water ..

so in the end your taking down your carb intake . and carbs is want makes you want more junk . so less is more but dont cut them out completly . because your body uses carbs as fuel ..

ooo one great trick switch your plate instead of useing you usual dinner plate use a kids plate or just a smaller one . it's like a jet-eye-mind trick relly . lol but for real . if u switch your plate and your plate is full you think you had alot , but the truth is you just had half of what you were eating in the big plate ..

and dont depribe yourself if you want some choco . have some buy a bar or whater you want have a bite and throw the rest away .. best place to do that in is in a public place , lol reason is i doubt youll go digging in the trash for it after you thow it and at home . with nobody watching who knows .. well i wish you the best of luck .. hope this helps .. p.s im not a pro or a dr. i just have gathered stuff from my dr. and my skinny ass antie LOL but she knows what shes tlking about .. oo dont 4 get to at least go for a walk at least 30min 2-3 times a week as a start =)

hope this helped a lil

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