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Well hello everyone first and foremost....

I am 23 a newlywed and have been overweight all my life....I never ate as much as everybody in my family, but i ended up being the fat one. I started seeing nutritionist at age 6. I had to get my meals counted out even thru high school. It was definetly embarrasing, not so much the diets, but all my classmates knowing i was on diets and asking, "Aren't you suppose to lose weight." I have been use to being fat all my life, I was ok active and tried to watch what I ate. My self esteem for a morbidly obese person is pretty darn good most days. It wasn't until I met my husband Dean and fell in love with this wonderful man, and realized I wanted to have his child more than anything in the world. I graduated nursing school one year ago, so I knew everything that can go wrong if your morbidly obese and pregnant. You risk not only your life but your childs. I decided to do the lap band, because I diet and lose 20- 50 lbs, I have never been close to being thin or average. I am 5'2 was 333 in JAN 10,2009.



So I started my lapband diet that diet, till May 10th I had lost 34 lbs. I was down to 299. Very hard work with diet and excersice.

Since May 10th though, I have not lost anymore weight. I gain pounds then lose pounds but never more than 2 or three.


So these last four days I increased my cardio to 35 minutes, weights, 1 hr. Now my fat butt gets on a bike for 15 minutes, and started doing 30 minutes of TAE BO. Haven't lost one lb. My diet consists of protein shake, snack: nuts, lunch salad with 3 oz chicken lite honey mustard, snack: pear, dinner crab salad with light mayo, mustard. Diet pop and green tea, lots of water.


I am just wondering what if lap band doesn't work for me. What if I am doomed to be morbidly obese for the rest of my life. I just feel so discouraged and upset. I don't know what to do.:thumbup:

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Well hello everyone first and foremost....

I am 23 a newlywed and have been overweight all my life....I never ate as much as everybody in my family, but i ended up being the fat one. I started seeing nutritionist at age 6. I had to get my meals counted out even thru high school. It was definetly embarrasing, not so much the diets, but all my classmates knowing i was on diets and asking, "Aren't you suppose to lose weight." I have been use to being fat all my life, I was ok active and tried to watch what I ate. My self esteem for a morbidly obese person is pretty darn good most days. It wasn't until I met my husband Dean and fell in love with this wonderful man, and realized I wanted to have his child more than anything in the world. I graduated nursing school one year ago, so I knew everything that can go wrong if your morbidly obese and pregnant. You risk not only your life but your childs. I decided to do the lap band, because I diet and lose 20- 50 lbs, I have never been close to being thin or average. I am 5'2 was 333 in JAN 10,2009.

So I started my lapband diet that diet, till May 10th I had lost 34 lbs. I was down to 299. Very hard work with diet and excersice.

Since May 10th though, I have not lost anymore weight. I gain pounds then lose pounds but never more than 2 or three.

So these last four days I increased my cardio to 35 minutes, weights, 1 hr. Now my fat butt gets on a bike for 15 minutes, and started doing 30 minutes of TAE BO. Haven't lost one lb. My diet consists of protein shake, snack: nuts, lunch salad with 3 oz chicken lite honey mustard, snack: pear, dinner crab salad with light mayo, mustard. Diet pop and green tea, lots of water.

I am just wondering what if lap band doesn't work for me. What if I am doomed to be morbidly obese for the rest of my life. I just feel so discouraged and upset. I don't know what to do.:(

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Before I get the band, I decided to go on a drastic diet to get used to eating a lot less. I'm on Medifast, the beginner diet package for women. You can order online. I've lost 11 pounds in a couple of weeks. I think it's not the amount of food you're eating, it's what you're eating and calorie count. Nuts are fats; honey mustard has honey (sugar to the body); mayo is fat. You need to cut out the fats. Check your protein shake for the calorie count, keep every meal around 100 calories. This is what Medifast does for you, each little meal is 100-110 calories. You have a lean and green dinner (small portions) at night and a snack before bedtime (Medifast pudding or Cappuccino) and that's it. It sounds like your body has gotten used to less food and thinks it's starving so everything has slowed down. You're exercising which is good, and you should be losing, but you're not. So something is stuck somewhere. Here's a place I also get supplements from:

www.womentowomen.com They are mainly trying to help older woman get off HRT, BUT they discuss weight loss and what can be off balance in the body which actually prevents you from losing weight, and they have supplements to help with that. You might want to look into that, because your body isn't getting something it needs so it's refusing to let go of the weight until it does. Check it out; you might be surprised the difference that the right (pharmaceutical grade) supplements can make to weight loss. I used to be a skeptic, but not any more! Best of luck to you!!

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