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Seriously, I cannot take the pain...

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I was banded on June 4th, 2009 @ NYU. The first few days the pain was not that bad... My incisions do not even hurt...

But the pain I feel inside is killing me!:crying: I do not know what is going on. I just tried calling the doctor, but of course, NO ANSWER. I feel like it was the worse decision of my life! Although I know it's not. The pain its excruciating... It feels like hunger. but I was told I am not supposed to feel hunger! I'm on my 5th day of my 10 day liquids and I really do not feel well at all.. I feel week, I feel like my stomach is about to fall out of place. It's horrible, I'm at work and i keep crying because of the pain! It's annoying! I had a slim fast this morning and some broth for lunch, And even when I ate my slimfast, I got the pain. Something cannot be right!! RIGHT??!! Please Help!:frown:


I'm 24 and 220lbs! This should have not been so hard!!

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I was banded on June 4th, 2009 @ NYU. The first few days the pain was not that bad... My incisions do not even hurt...

But the pain I feel inside is killing me!:wub: I do not know what is going on. I just tried calling the doctor, but of course, NO ANSWER. I feel like it was the worse decision of my life! Although I know it's not. The pain its excruciating... It feels like hunger. but I was told I am not supposed to feel hunger! I'm on my 5th day of my 10 day liquids and I really do not feel well at all.. I feel week, I feel like my stomach is about to fall out of place. It's horrible, I'm at work and i keep crying because of the pain! It's annoying! I had a slim fast this morning and some broth for lunch, And even when I ate my slimfast, I got the pain. Something cannot be right!! RIGHT??!! Please Help!:biggrin:

I'm 24 and 220lbs! This should have not been so hard!!

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Hi --- hang in there. I couldn't imagine being at work you poor thing!! It is more painful then they (the drs) tell you it is. I have to be real careful in taking small (like tsp size) sips. You are doing great. The air in your belly is normal. Walk as much as you can every couple hours and get some gas x strips. They really do help. I sent you a comment earlier. I hope you got it.

Stay in touch. I was just banded on Friday June 5th and am going through the same thing. I don't think your hungry maybe just nausious? I think that's what I am. Did your dr. give you any prescription pain meds? that helps to for the inflamation and bruising. Hang in there girl....

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Thanks Kris! I actually did buy the gasX strips.. and the chewables also...Maybe I'm drinking too quickly.. I'm going to slow it down a notch.

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Hey I feel for you but if it makes you feel better I think it may be normal for some of us. I was banded on the 28th. I was told I shouldnt be hungry for two or three weeks. I was of course on a strict diet before the surgery. When I woke up from surgery, I was so hungry I could have eaten a horse. Iam not kidding. The combination between that and the severe gas you get is very painful. Try taking a couple of gas x strips and see if it lets up, then maybe try (yes I know this sounds wierd) low fat choc milk. It is something a little more substantial in your belly and heavy enough to help the gas too. If you dont start feeling much better, get your butt to the doctor, it is nothing to play with. The chances of it being serious is slim but not worth the risk. Go to the emergency room if you have too. God Bless and good luck.I will keep you in my prayers tonight.

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I feel you I also got banded on the 4th in NY and even though the incisions don't hurt one is leaking and the MD told me it was fine and it would stop when it was ready(not the answer I was looking for!!!!). I also asked him about the pain after I drink and he said it was gas pain. But nothing helps it unless I burp or press lightly where the pain is and it moves on. I can hear it gurgling. He also said I'm not listening to my body when it says it's full. So apparently the whole 10 sips of my protein shake is WAY TOO MUCH and I need to drink less, slower and once I begin to feel full STOP until I my stomach empties out. Good luck it can only get better.

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I was banded on Feb. 11th 2009, and I had a lot of gas pains in the back and shoulders. It really does get better I wish you could talk to your doctor or his nurse just so they could reassure you or check you out. Take care.

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Hang in there, I realized my hunger pains were actually gas pains Gas X helped alot with walking. I returned to work 6 days post op and found I didn't walk enough and felt awful My incision kills me but chat assured me this is normal ( banded june1)

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Keep calling your dr if youre in that much pain, and if need be go to the er room. Make sure you're drinking a lot of protein, and juices.. I pray everything works out for you.

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