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2nd day after lapband surgery

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kris c


Hi Again,


I Slept great last night. Sweated the fever out. Still feel like purging when I got up. Had my coffee this AM and had to rush to the bathroom.

I have had 3/4 of a protien drink yesterday and nothing today but water and 1/2 cup of coffee. Not in the mood for anything. I would like the pain to go away. I am breathing better today and was able to get some stuff up when I coughed. Boy is deep coughing painful. I feel like I have more energy today. But again, this pain is just not what I imagined. It's much more intense than I thought it would be. I have had 2 c-sections, 1 ruptured ovarian cyst and gallbladder removal and nothing really compares to this. It's so strange. When my doctor did the proceedure, he did find that I had a hernia. So he repaired that....I am wondering if that has anything to do with the intense pain? I've just always thought I had a high tolerance to pain...but this is kicking my a**. Anyone feel the same? :sad:

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Hi Again,

I Slept great last night. Sweated the fever out. Still feel like purging when I got up. Had my coffee this AM and had to rush to the bathroom.

I have had 3/4 of a protien drink yesterday and nothing today but water and 1/2 cup of coffee. Not in the mood for anything. I would like the pain to go away. I am breathing better today and was able to get some stuff up when I coughed. Boy is deep coughing painful. I feel like I have more energy today. But again, this pain is just not what I imagined. It's much more intense than I thought it would be. I have had 2 c-sections, 1 ruptured ovarian cyst and gallbladder removal and nothing really compares to this. It's so strange. When my doctor did the proceedure, he did find that I had a hernia. So he repaired that....I am wondering if that has anything to do with the intense pain? I've just always thought I had a high tolerance to pain...but this is kicking my a**. Anyone feel the same? :wub:

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Sorry to hear about all the pain. I am 2 days banded also. If it was'nt for my inscisions I would wonder if anything had been done.

Keep your chin up and call your doc if the pain does not go away!!

Hang In There.

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