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Last week I ran into an old crush at the convenience store. We talked for about 15 minutes in the parking lot and he asked me for my number!! I was so super excited, and I was feeling extra confident. I took his number, too but I'm old fashioned. I wanted him to call first. So I waited and waited. He never called. Finally I texted him, asking him a general question about the pool (he's a lifeguard). He called me back right away and said he never had my number because he had given me his and had been waiting on me to call him. So of course all was forgiven because I had liked him for such a long time, even though I KNOW I gave him my number.


So... do you ever know OF a person, and you think they're a certain way, and then you get to really KNOW that person and realize they're not as great as you thought? Well, that was the case today. He asked me to send him some pictures. And I don't mean pictures of my face.


I felt so stupid. Stupid for thinking he would like me beyond that. I thought he was a really great Christian guy with a good heart. And I'm not trying to judge him, but seriously if he thought of me as a lady he wouldn't have started talking to me like that. He never had before.


I feel a little down on myself, because I'm tired of being alone. I believe I have so much more to offer. Maybe the weight has a lot to do with men not seeing who I really am. Or maybe I come across that way and I don't realize it?! Or maybe guys are just jerks! :rolleyes:


I can't wait until I can't blame this on my fat anymore.

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Last week I ran into an old crush at the convenience store. We talked for about 15 minutes in the parking lot and he asked me for my number!! I was so super excited, and I was feeling extra confident. I took his number, too but I'm old fashioned. I wanted him to call first. So I waited and waited. He never called. Finally I texted him, asking him a general question about the pool (he's a lifeguard). He called me back right away and said he never had my number because he had given me his and had been waiting on me to call him. So of course all was forgiven because I had liked him for such a long time, even though I KNOW I gave him my number.

So... do you ever know OF a person, and you think they're a certain way, and then you get to really KNOW that person and realize they're not as great as you thought? Well, that was the case today. He asked me to send him some pictures. And I don't mean pictures of my face.

I felt so stupid. Stupid for thinking he would like me beyond that. I thought he was a really great Christian guy with a good heart. And I'm not trying to judge him, but seriously if he thought of me as a lady he wouldn't have started talking to me like that. He never had before.

I feel a little down on myself, because I'm tired of being alone. I believe I have so much more to offer. Maybe the weight has a lot to do with men not seeing who I really am. Or maybe I come across that way and I don't realize it?! Or maybe guys are just jerks! :wub:

I can't wait until I can't blame this on my fat anymore.

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Guy are just jerks!!! LOL. I too am tired of being alone. I have some male friends but it never seems to go beyond that. I have said that once I lose the excess weight these same guys better not try to be more than friends then. I have a strong feeling that is going to be the case with one in particular. I am a Christian woman, and I truely believe that the Lord will send 'the one' when the time is right. I like to think that he is preparing me to make sure that I am mentally and physically ready to receive his gift for me. I also think that he is preparing 'him' for me, so that when the time comes he will be able to recognize what a catch I am. LOL. Don't give up and continue to love and respect yourself. Best Wishes!!

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Yes, the are just jerks! I have, as one might say, kissed a lot of frogs. I had low self esteem, and I was grateful for any attention.

Lucikly, God sent me a prince. My husband didn't even try to kiss me for like three weeks (and more than five dates). When you find someone who truly appreciates you for who you are, it will be very much worth the wait!

It sounds like you have more sense than me, but I'll just tell you anyway...don't kiss too many frogs while you're waiting. You'll regret it!

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Okay, the title to your blog is "boys," and that about sums it up, doesn't it? Obviously, this male was a "boy," not a "man." And, I know I don't need to tell you that you're better off without that loser.

Are all men losers? No...just most men. You know, I've been fat and I've been thin, and men/people treat you differently when you're fat. However, even at my heaviest, I still had men hit on me. People would say to me, "Oh, but you're not really fat." I'd be like, "Yeah, I'm really fat. You can't weigh as much as I do and not be fat...unless you're 12 feet tall...which, clearly, I am not...The point is; people never thought of me as fat because I don't think just because you're fat you can't be hot, and I don't think that just because you're thin you are hot...it's all in the attitude. Yes, it's different, and yes, men treat you differently. They don't look inside to see who you really are, and you know why?...BECAUSE THEY'RE MEN! They're visual...and sadly, most of them aren't that smart. It's not their fault, really. It's just that when all that blood rushes "below the belt," they can't think.

Seriously...any boy that would lie to you and then disrespect you by asking for those kind of photos isn't worth your time. And just to show you that all men aren't ...*jerks (*not the "real" word I'm thinking of...think of a word that rhymes with picks, tricks and flicks,) let me tell you about my hubby. I've been with him for 17 years. When we started dating, I was chubby, then I got drop-dead-gorgous-thin, then I got fat, and then I fatter. When I topped out at 275 I still had to get dressed in the closed, so he wouldn't "jump" me. He's the only man in my life who has NEVER made me feel fat, or said anything about my weight...but then again, he is a MAN...not a boy.

Hold out, girl. You're young. Good men are out there.

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