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12 hours til go time!

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Today I ran around like an expectant mom, getting my nest ready to come home after surgery! I had to have every piece of laundry cleaned, beds stripped, all floors swept! everything organized. I knew it was stuff I didn't want to see this week un-done because I would over-do it fixing it later. So all clean!!! Spent the evening shopping for clear protein drinks and juices for post-op diet...Dang expensive!!! I found Isopure 20oz drinks for 5 bucks a bottle, only bought 2!

Still not nervous, more concerned on how I am going to work out being a 100% belly sleeper after surgery that anything else. I have 100% trust in my Doc!.. Anyways, will update everyone tomorrow evening!!!

Take care

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Today I ran around like an expectant mom, getting my nest ready to come home after surgery! I had to have every piece of laundry cleaned, beds stripped, all floors swept! everything organized. I knew it was stuff I didn't want to see this week un-done because I would over-do it fixing it later. So all clean!!! Spent the evening shopping for clear protein drinks and juices for post-op diet...Dang expensive!!! I found Isopure 20oz drinks for 5 bucks a bottle, only bought 2!

Still not nervous, more concerned on how I am going to work out being a 100% belly sleeper after surgery that anything else. I have 100% trust in my Doc!.. Anyways, will update everyone tomorrow evening!!!

Take care

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