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Fri. June 5th surgery time!!

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Well, I can't believe this 6months process has already come to a head. It seems just like yesterday I was making my first appt. just to see what this lap-band thing was all about!

I am going with the Realize band at my surgeons suggestion. I have no fear or hesitation what-so-ever about having this procedure done. I can not wait to get this process started.

I have been on a 2 week liquid only diet. I had one slip up on my 7th day when the "I'll never have again's..." thinking about my favorite meal (which I wont discuss for all those who are trying to make it thru their fasts without skinned knees!) anyways, had my "last,last" meal and next day was right back at it...I have lost 8 lbs so far in 12 days, so I think im doing very well.

I get married in Sept. Hoping I have enough time to make a difference in my appearance by then!:w00t:

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Well, I can't believe this 6months process has already come to a head. It seems just like yesterday I was making my first appt. just to see what this lap-band thing was all about!

I am going with the Realize band at my surgeons suggestion. I have no fear or hesitation what-so-ever about having this procedure done. I can not wait to get this process started.

I have been on a 2 week liquid only diet. I had one slip up on my 7th day when the "I'll never have again's..." thinking about my favorite meal (which I wont discuss for all those who are trying to make it thru their fasts without skinned knees!) anyways, had my "last,last" meal and next day was right back at it...I have lost 8 lbs so far in 12 days, so I think im doing very well.

I get married in Sept. Hoping I have enough time to make a difference in my appearance by then!:wub:

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I wish you the best of luck for surgery and beyond. I have my first nutritionist appt. tomorrow to start my 3 month supervised diet. Im looking forward to the journey, but scared too. So glad to have this site and good supportive friends and family to help through the process. talk to you soon.

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Three months is going to fly by!! All the hoops you have to jump through keep you busy and before you know it, your working around the house to get ready for surgery! Which is what I am doing right now..!!! Knocking around the idea of whether I should shave my legs or not!!!! hahaha after all that's not the end of the body they are worried about!! hheheh

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How great for you that you're doing so well. I'm getting banded in 6 days. I've been on the liquid diet now since the 1st and I'm doing awesome! Haven't cheated one time and I've lost 9 pounds in 9 days. 39 pounds from onderland as I type this message. Never thought I'd be able to say that this soon. Keep up the great work. Also, anything you can tell me about the surgery I appreciate it. Hope to hear from you soon.

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Dear Dirt Track...

Well my hospital experience may be a little diff than yours will be, but here goes mine...

Got to the hosp. 2 hrs before surgery to register. Just got comfy in waiting room and they call my name. They take my fiance and I to a room where I get into my gown. Several nurses come in and ask questions. They hook me up to a IV, and give me a herprin shot in my stomach. Anestestia (sorry about spelling!) comes in and asks if you have any ?'s. Then they come and get you to take you to the OR. But not before you get a shot of happy juice. You are aware, but dont have a care in the world once you get to OR. I was out before the mask hit my face. Next thing I know, Im in recovery and its time to get up and get walking..!!! It was a very good experience for me, I was never nervous or scared. Just happy to get it over with. It was scary swallowing the liquid they give you to xray your pouch cuz i didnt know what to expect when I swallowed, but it was really the same as always, and still is. I have the Realize band and my doc put it in empty, I get my 1st fill 4 weeks post op..

Well hope this helps! Im here for what ever questions you have..!!!

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