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Maybe banded in early August!

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Hello everyone...I am new to this and I am not a great storyteller but I will do my best to start logging this journey. I need all the support I can get. I have been a fatty all my life and I was on a diet as long as I can remember. I was on a strict diet in the 1st grade...drinking diet shakes in the 4th grade....and on Nutrisystem in the 8th grade, but nothing was long term. As I got older and started hearing of gastric bypass, I looked into it...but was scared to do it and always said I can do it on my own. Well here I am, just turned 30 weighing 252, and now I'm like who am I kidding I need help!!!


I attended a seminar with Dr. Goyal in April and had my first appointment. I am certain that I want and need WLS, but I am just not 100% sure whether to get lapband or gastric bypass. I am leaning towards the lapband because it is a simplar surgery and the risks are not as great...the only thing that makes me want to get bypass is the quick weight loss, and I LOVE SWEETS!!!! lol


So I attended my 2nd appt. with Dr. Goyal on May 28, and I was told that if insurance goes through I will have surgery in early August!!! :w00t: Thank God I have Aetna and only need to wait 3 months. Everyday I change my mind on which surgery to get. So I am looking forward to hearing from anyone's experience with lap band, whether good or bad. I hope to hear from you soon!!!


Thanks, Angie :wink2:


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Hello everyone...I am new to this and I am not a great storyteller but I will do my best to start logging this journey. I need all the support I can get. I have been a fatty all my life and I was on a diet as long as I can remember. I was on a strict diet in the 1st grade...drinking diet shakes in the 4th grade....and on Nutrisystem in the 8th grade, but nothing was long term. As I got older and started hearing of gastric bypass, I looked into it...but was scared to do it and always said I can do it on my own. Well here I am, just turned 30 weighing 252, and now I'm like who am I kidding I need help!!!

I attended a seminar with Dr. Goyal in April and had my first appointment. I am certain that I want and need WLS, but I am just not 100% sure whether to get lapband or gastric bypass. I am leaning towards the lapband because it is a simplar surgery and the risks are not as great...the only thing that makes me want to get bypass is the quick weight loss, and I LOVE SWEETS!!!! lol

So I attended my 2nd appt. with Dr. Goyal on May 28, and I was told that if insurance goes through I will have surgery in early August!!! :unsure: Thank God I have Aetna and only need to wait 3 months. Everyday I change my mind on which surgery to get. So I am looking forward to hearing from anyone's experience with lap band, whether good or bad. I hope to hear from you soon!!!

Thanks, Angie :thumbup:


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WELCOME to LBT! If you go to the home page you can do a search for opinions on LB vs RNY as there have been lots of threads asking this. You can also start a thread there if you want. Here's a copy of a post I answered awhile back with my reasons. Good luck on your decision!


I think it's all about doing research and seeing what fits you best, and there's no right or wrong answer...I think I could find success with several of them. My youngest sister is bigger than me, and with her food/diet pattern I'd suggest RNY or the Sleeve for her.

This was my list vs. RNY.

My reasons for the LB:

- Safer surgery (no cutting other than the Laproscopic incisions, and fat tissue around where the band will go)

- Unfill at any point needed and Reversible if needed for other health reasons

- Less complications (dumping, hair loss, etc.)

- Slower weight loss (easy to explain when you're not 'telling' everyone. I’m a lower BMI without severe comorbidities, so I don’t need to get healthy FAST. I have another sister who has diabetes and has had 2 strokes...I'd recommend RNY to her as she has life threatening obesity issues and would benefit from getting heathy as fast as possible.)

- Easy to get proper nutrition- I don't EVER have to drink a protein shake and don’t have to take a ton of supplements.

- Continued interaction/accountability to the surgeon (ie. I had to sign that I would continue seeing my surgeon for 5 yrs. post-op, he covers 6 fills as part of the package so it's not for more $, he really wants you to be successful long-term)

- Continued adjustments to stoma for life (RNY/some others- can stretch the stoma, some need revision surgery)

- I'm more interested in a slow significant weight loss and keeping it off than a huge weight loss...in other words, if I don't lose all 100 pounds as long as I get to healthy and stay there that's OK with me. It's the keeping it off I'm most interested in.

- I need portion control, not reactions to bad foods. I already know I can diet pretty successfully (I'm a professional dieter, just can't keep it off and I feel like I'm starving) so I'm not worried about counting calories etc. (I don't think I need the malabsorption, my sister who can’t stick to a diet would need the help of malabsorption and the feedback of dumping).

Talk this over with your doc and I'm sure you'll find the right fit for you...weight loss is weight loss...it's all good!

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Thanks sooo much!! Those are my reasons for leaning more towards the lapband too! Great info! Everyday I think lapband is better for me!

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