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Two days away!!

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IM BACK ... for this evening anyway!

So, I jumped on here tonight trying to catch up with those of you I have been chatting with and wanted to see updates on everyones status!! I am once again suprised at MY TICKER!! I logged my current weight on my ticker and noticed my weight loss and goal weight are getting close to the same numbers! WHAT??? How exciting is that? I am down two pants sizes and starting to feel lighter now. I just thought I was feeling lighter before... now I am starting to see that I really do have bones under all this meat. I have had my ups and downs and I get so frustrated still that I can not drink while I eat, but I am noticing that I am not even ordering a drink until it is time to go! I am down 50 lbs in two and a half months. WHOA!! That was fast. I am so glad I did what I did. I will never hate the fact that I am healthier every day! Hope all is well with everyone!!!   newmetwenty15




My Ticker!

So, today is my 44th birthday and I am so happy to be able to say that I FEEL GREAT at 44. I was updating my "ticker" before this post and had a feeling of excitement when it calculated my weight loss and then told me how much more I have to lose before hitting my goal! I never thought I would see the day when it went below 100 to reach my goal! I am 88lbs from my goal weight! Prior to my surgery I would probably be 88lbs heavier! I am so glad I made the decision and followed through with the surgery! My children hug me now and say ... "Mommy, I can actually touch hands when I hug you!" I never noticed before that they couldn't even get their arms around me! How great are the little things that are brought to my attention! I hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday!   Grateful,   newmetwenty15





I am 6 weeks and 6 days post op and feel I have fallen victim to yet another stall. I do not know if there is such at the six week mark but I have been at the same weight for a week and no matter how much cardio or how little I eat my weight just stays right where it is. I have been following the guidelines ... probably a little less calories than I should be eating because I get tired of that full feeling so quickly. Pre op I was really bad about not eating throughout the day hoping for quick weight loss and I found it is easier having my VSG to skip meals. I still struggle with WATER, no matter how I flavor it. I have never been a soda person, so this hasn't been an issue, but water is ick. I add drops for the flavor but then return to my unsweetened tea or coffee. I wonder if this is the issue. I have read many blogs about drinking caffiene, however, my sill mind says, "it's made with water and I prefer the taste of tea and coffee". I am down 38 lbs in 6 1/2 weeks so I will once again leave my friend, the scale, out of my morning routine and get back to weighing weekly. Hopefully this will be more encouraging!




Energy is a choice...

I was trying to understand why I was up so dadgum tired every morning and drag my butt around until I finally either get to work or realize I am dragging. I had a serious self evaluation this morning and self talk proved that my old habits of sleeping in late on my days off are wanting to squeeze in where there is NO ROOM for them. I thought about how I used to want to sleep in on the mornings when the family was cozy in their beds and how simple it would be to induldge in the comfort of comfy blankets and pillows knowing there are many things I could be doing to get motivated and get moving. I sat there and talked myself out of the old laziness that led me to being overweight and depressed. I changed my thinking and got moving. I have found I am really good at defeating the old behavior patterns that I was used to for so many years. Point being ... change my thinking and change my lifestyle! I do not want to be in the rutt I lived for the last 30 years! I have one chance to change and I believe I will take it!!!   Have a great Valentine's Day!   newmetwenty15




Garmin Vivosmart!

I am excited about my new Fitness watch. I finally got the one I have been wanting! This little gem tells me everything about my fitness level and then some! My husband is the best when it comes to researching the best quality for the money and the Garmin Vivosmart is by far my favorite watch. Two years ago I had the Fitbit and I thought then I was getting the information I needed but this Garmin is much better. Before I had my surgery I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, and more of the dreaded obese diseases. I would question my sleep patterns often because I could not wear my CPAP faithfully and not feel like I was clostrophobic at night, pulling the mask of in my sleep every night. I just quit wearing it all together and I do not know how this effected my sleeping but I am sure it was not the best decision. This watch tells me my movement while I am sleeping and it is the first thing I check when I wake in the morning. It syncs to my phone so I can see my daytime steps and how much walking I have done each day setting my personal goal! If I get too sedentary it tells me to "MOVE" and I love that. I do still have to log my food on myfitnesspal but my Garmin app does all the math for me deducting my calories burned from my calorie intake! I do at least three miles three days a week and the days I don't do the walking I know I have to walk more at the office to reach my goal that my watch has set for me! I love this little toy and I would highly suggest something along the same lines for those of you wanting to set and reach your exercise goals!!!   Greatness, newmetwenty15




**Four Weeks and weights still falling **

It has only been four weeks and one day since I rolled up in the East Texas hospital to have the surgery that would forever change my life. In only four weeks I have gained the strength and power to change my eating habits and start a new healthier lifestyle for myself. I look back at just the short four weeks and smile gatefully at my success. I finally found the help I have been needing to set me apart from that woman who would look in the mirror and cry at every failed diet attempt. The yo-yo diets, the slim fast, the good ole' phen-phen diet, the starving diet, and just three months ago it was any new weight loss pill on the market. I started this certain blog over a week ago and put it in my drafts because I was short on time and today I have decided to continue ... I didn't finish simply because I took time away to go with my daughter to tour yet another college and spend quality time with her! Since then things have gone up and down. I don't know what phase I am going through but it seems to be the part where I feel fear of my decision. WOW that was really hard to type. I am five weeks post op today and have still made progress but that part of me that says ... "this is for the rest of your life" keeps creeping in. I am not having buyers remorse yet I think I am battling my food addiction. I also fear (a little ahead of time) the saggy mom syndrome! I see my body starting to change now and it is changing drastically. I have been here before but it's different now. When I would get to this point pre surgery I would think I accomplished some mission and fall of the health kick and gain back what I lost and then some. I know this is not a possibility today and reality says, you are going to keep going. This is what I want, but I am battling my mind, because my addict wants to give in and give up. Well, as I sit here and type this I am reminding myself of all the reasons I had this surgery and I feel I am defeating that little food addict that keeps me stuck. I do not have the ability to fall back into my old habits and I will win this one this time! I feel sure this will not be the only time I battle this but I will WIN!! I am still motivated to live an active and healthy lifestyle from here on out, I just want anyone that is reading this to know that this is life... one we chose to live and the great part of this is I can not fail this time. I will proceed with my positive motivation and look back at this blog one day as just another mountain I had to climb! Truth is ... This is life ... and this is one I chose to help me beat my addiction with food. The mind is a hard muscle to remold but I am working on it daily ... one day at a time. Some days it is one hour at a time, but ... I GOT THIS!!   newmetwenty15




Clearing STALL ONE!

I think things are starting to move again! I have learned so much in the past few days about how I eat and drink. I have learned about the foods my body isn't ready for and things I possibly can do better to stay on track! OLD HABITS have been creeping in and trying to surface.. YES, that thing called my eating addiction .... I was trying to eat more than I could possibly hold in my tummy and I was reminded quickly when I accidentally drank a sip of tea with my meal. DAMN, that hurts. I am learning to eat slower and enjoy what I can eat .... and don't even bother putting a drink near me when it is meal time. OLD HABITS are hard to break but thank you tummy for painfully reminding me that drinking with the meal is a NO NO. I have learned to just order a drink and set it aside and at the end of my meal get it to go. I do not drink while eating because: IT HURTS. =) And I have learned to chew chew chew and swallow small bites. I have also added an app to my phone that will snap a picture of the barcode I have eaten and plug in everything so calorie counting has now become my friend. That was something else I wasn't doing in the beginning because I thought ... DANG I can only eat an ounce or two! Well, I was shocked when we sat and checked calories on a bunch of items in the grocery store and dining out! I am still learning and will probably share again my silly mistakes, but they are worth every minute of my new healthy life!   I started a little ZUMBA today! That was a little embarrassing... and I was in my own work out room at home... but still felt embarrassed when my husband or boys walked in the gym. FAT GIRL attempting SALSA!! BUT .... mark my words.... a year from now I will be teaching that dadgum ZUMBA glass! It was a fun change and I will do it more and more and more... OH OH OH ... I was excited about my new purchases yesterday!! I finally found a 2X Sauna Suit and a plus size weight loss belt for when I exercise! I found them locally and inexpensive so I was exstatic!! Put the sauna suit on yesterday afternoon (a little tight in the belly) and went to walking on the treadmill .... After 15 minutes, I was sweating like a ... I dunno what to say here .... plus size woman in a sauna suit?? lol So, tomorrow morning, me and the sauna suit are going for a long test walk as I do normally, but with my new suit I hope to find that I am sweating off the inches and pounds!!   Well, that's it for today.. Super bowl Sunday and I found some fabulous recipes the family and I are going to try out instead of the usual fattening finger (oh so easy) foods we are accustomed too!   Have a great SUNDAY!!   twenty15




First Post Op Follow UP~

Hmmm.... I don't know if I am happy or disappointed about my office visit today! I will have to admit ... I have been a scale junkie since my surgery but I guess my scale has been lying to me . I started this journey at 266.5 and as of today I am 249. That is according to the Dr.'s scale. So, I am actually only 17lbs down since my surgery. I liked my scales number better, but let's be honest .... IT LIES! I will go and recalibrate it as soon as I get home today ... or get rid of it and get a new one that will tell me the truth! Other than the numbers, I am happy to report that my tummy they took away had no traces of cancer, etc. Good ole' pathology is going to make sure they get the breakdown.... just thankful there wasn't bad news about that! Now, all my vitals were good, color was good, got off my Lasix the day of surgery and I still have NO swelling as well as getting off my Metformin, no traces of diabetes Type II either! I will say that was worth every penny and hour spent preparing and having this surgery! I did have to get another B-12 injection today because my energy level has been really low, but I kind of got a slap on the hand because I went back to work the Monday following my surgery. I put in at least 9 hours a day with a few minutes for a lil sip of soup and then home to mother four children, putting my recovery last on the list. I guess I thought since it didn't fall over dying, I was fully recovered. YES ... I love my job and I honestly couldn't wait to get back to work!! Well, with all that being said, I have not allowed myself enough "DOWN" time so my body is still worn down from my surgery! It has only been three weeks, but I didn't want to stay in the house, alone, and waiting for my body to heal when I knew I felt great! I still feel great, but, I do get tired (mentally and physically) by 2:00pm and push myself through until bedtime. (Which has turned into 7:00, opposed to 11:00) In my defense, I am up at 5:30 walking through the neighborhood getting some exercise and nature to start my day!   I did ask for feedback about losing 17lbs today and my sweet nurse said I was right on target. They mentioned most patients lose anywhere from 15 - 20 pounds by their three week check up. NOW ... by my four month check up she said the patients usually lose up to 50lbs. I will be happy to make that post!!! I guess I feel a little down becuase I thought it was more than 17, but I will take losing that 17lbs anyday over gaining 17lbs. Lots of questions from the nurse and a B12 shot and I was out the door!   I had to share and get my weight loss straight with anyone who reads my blog because I am an honest person and I wouldn't feel right lying about it ... that gets me NOWHERE!!! I did that pre-surgery! I will hope to have lost a few more by the end of this week!   Loving life and losing!!   twenty15




Two weeks, two days!

I am feeling great! I know it's still early in the post-op phase, but I still haven't found a reason to be anything but grateful for my VSG. I am healing well and wearing jeans again. I have been a little crazy with the scale hoping for a huge weight loss number. I think 22.5 pounds is a pretty good start! I am thinking I am about to hit the dreadful three week stall and not looking forward to it, but I think I have made my mind up to stay away from the scale and maybe do a little measuring. I don't have to be ONE with the scale all the time!!! RIGHT? Actually, I am now down 23.4 pounds since my surgery date and that is working with me! I have started my work out schedule and actually have enjoyed getting up and working out (mildly). I am still a little slow on the walking, no brisk, fast paced, hard core walking yet, but I know that will come in time! I think I am most happiest about finally being able to eat again (chew, chew, chew) and not having to sip my meals! That sure was hard, but looking back, it seemed time went so fast!   I wish anyone thinking about one of the surgeries, doing one of the surgeries, or has already done one of the surgeries the best of luck in every aspect of this great life!   twenty15




Two weeks post op!

I am two weeks post op and finally back in normal clothes! I have had to wear soft pants with elastic or sweat pants up until today! I have started a work out plan and noticed with only being 22.5 pounds lighter my walking seems much easier! I was up at 5:30 am and went on a two mile walk through our neighborhood. It was somewhat exhilerating with the light rain and dense fog in the pitch dark but I am motivated to work out along with my weight loss! I am on solids and have enjoyed finally having the taste of real foods that I have always loved in moderation. I will tell those of you in preop or thinking about gastric sleeve, your tummy lets you know when you are DONE eating! I have finally recognized what FULL feels like! Although sometimes I would love to finish my whole plate, I know I can't and I just remember to enjoy the flavor of what I can eat and push the rest aside! I have yet to regret my decision and would do it all again if I had to. I still sit with my coworkers and discuss the way I used to eat and WOW, what a change. I would keep on going until there was nothing left and still want more. I am so proud of myself for my accomplishments and how it seemed so easy to get through the surgery and recovery phase! I know you have it in you too!! I am a little eager to see what my final weight may be but I will patiently wait and let dreams come true!   Hope anyone contemplating one of the surgeries will research and get good advise from those that have already gone thru any of them! I will be the first to say that my VSG was far less pain and suffering than I ever expected!!   With love,   Christie




Post Op and Loving IT!

I am six days post op and what a journey it has been! It seems like yesterday I was counting down the hours until my surgery! I had an excellent surgery and a overall quick recovery in the hospital. I'm not going to say it was all fun and games, but I do know if I had to see one more Bariatric tray of popsicles, diet cranberry juice, and broth, I think I would finally have to let out a BIG NO MORE liquid TRAYS!! I am over exaggerating a little, but I find it comical that the hospital brings so much to offer but you can only sip enough to get your lips wet and then you feel full!! It seemed as soon as I finished one popsicle it was time for my next big liquid meal!! I couldn't sip fast enough before the next meal was being served! With all that being said, I am extremely grateful for making the decision to start a new healthier life and even though this is the beginning and I know everything comes with ups and downs, I am going to make the best of this decision. I have dreamed of the day I don't have to feel as though everyone is talking about me, the fatest mom, or my kids won't have to look embarrassed when I would have to turn sideways to get through the security area at a local concert or amusment park. I can think of so many times my weight has altered things I could have been doing and chose not to simply because I was too overweight and did not want to be looked at or talked about once again. I now have visions of being challenged with this new life, but I have outweighed the challenges with positive reasonings. I want cake... eat half a sugar free pudding and be full and still loose weight. I have noticed that the thought is less impactful when there is NO choice... I no longer have the choice to fall of the DIET and gorge myself until I was sick. It is now a thought, a solution, and with great reward.. I will still have remained loyal to my new eating habits and that thought is gone in just a few seconds, whereas, before, I would turn into a three year old hissy fit until I got my own PINT of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie and ate the whole entire pint alone. I guess the moral to this Blog today is most of my FOOD issues were in my HEAD and now that I can not allow my HEAD to make such crazy decisions... I now listen to my little tummy and when I am full I QUIT. Now, let me remind you, this is just the beginning and I am sure soon enough there will be a fit to throw and I will make sure I let you in on those too!   Good luck with your daily decisions and Blog soon!   Christie




Let the countdown begin!

I have exactly 21 hours, 21 min and 46 seconds until I am in the OR for my VGS! I am packed and ready to get this past me so I can start my new life!   I had my pre-op visit with the nurse this morning, I am pre-registered and I have everything on my list checked off! Now what do I do for the next 20 hours of my "life as I have lived with for this long"! I do not think I will be able to get much rest tonight, however, I am sure I will get a few winks of rest recovering!   To say I am excited about the decisions I have made, is putting it mildly! I am super, super, super EXCITED and HOPEFUL for the changes that are coming my way! Life will be so different, but I got this!!!   I hope all, that are thinking about or have done one of the surgeries, best wishes for a great new year!   Hope to post post-op!



PatchAid Vitamin Patches
