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No more insulin

Last week I saw my PCP. He did some labs, and I received my results today. My thyroid levels were in normal range. My cholesterol was good. But more importantly, my blood sugar levels were within normal range!!   I have type 2 diabetes. I've been insulin independent for about 9 years now. My sugars have always been uncontrolled. It's a daily struggle having Diabetes. I'm not going to go into these challenges on this particular entry--but I will later on.   Anyways so back to my topic. I was on the insulin pump when I had the surgery on 12/20/2013. After the surgery I was taken off the pump but I still had to take insulin (Novolog). Today my doctor told me that I can discontinue the insulin and start oral medications (Metformin,Glyburide). I am so excited! I know this may not sound like a big deal to most folk. But for me it is. I no longer have to inject myself with a needle in the stomach 4xs a day.   When I first started the insulin, I was told there was no turning back. That I would be on insulin for the rest of my life. A very depressing thought for a 20-something.   Skip to today. I thank God I was able to have this surgery. It's given me a new life.




I knew I wasn't ready to eat out

Yesterday my husband wanted to treat me out to dinner. I'm 5 weeks post. My doctor advised me not to "eat out" untill 6 months post. I reminded hubby of this. Also, I knew my food choices would be limited. Plus, I never knew how my stomach would react to new foods. Sometimes she accepted foods with no problem. At other times, she pretended to accept the food, to only regurgitate it minutes later. If I feed her something she really didn't like, she would regurgitate AND sent a message to my bowels to discard it ASAP. When this happen, a bathroom was needed as quickly as possible!   Ok so back to dinner. I didn't want to hurt my husband feelings. He was just trying to do something husbandry. So I agreed to go out to eat. We went to Texas Roadhouse. As I sat there looking through the menu, I reminisced about what I would have eaten pre-sleeved... For drinks, I would have ordered a water and a virgin strawberry daiquiri.. Um um i love strawberry daiquiris. they are so good! Next an appetizer of a Texas Onion. delicious! My main dish would go been the sirloin steak entree with a sweet potato with butter and brown sugar. House salad on the side with EXTRA ranch dressing. Did I mention the bread? Well bread has always been a favorite of mine. I would of eaten 5 or 6 rolls with lots of that cinnamon butter on top..... Yes, eating was good pre-sleeve!   But since i was Post-sleeve now, I settled for a grilled chicken salad with a glass of water. I was so proud of myself! When the salad arrived, I took about 3 bites. I immediately felt sick. I looked around at the other patrons enjoying, steaks, fries, burgers, and ribs, etc. I looked at my husband. He was enjoying his steak. I don't know why I felt sick. The salad tasted great. But my body no longer responded to food the same. A lot of times I can't even stand the smell of it. And watching all the people eating, eating, eating.. I knew I was going to hurl. I stayed calm and sipped some water. Yes I know I'm not susspose to eat and drink within 60 minutes of one another, but hey sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I sipped more water. It took all I had not to throw up.   Once home, I went straight to the bathroom. There I threw up AND I had diarrhea at the same time. It was horrible. Next time I am going to listen to my instincts. I KNEW I wasn't ready to eat out!




Saggy Vaggy

Sooooooooo... Yea. If you're squeamish, you may want to skip this entry. I'm going to keep it as clean as possible because I don't want this entry deleted, I think it's important to talk about.   Anyway, so I'm starting to notice the weight loss on my body parts. My thighs are sagging, my face, my breasts... All heading downhill. But I knew sagging would happen, so I really didn't stress about it.   Well last night in the shower, I noticed something else sagging...... My vaggy! What? What's this? Is that all me? I decided to investigate further once I was out. Got a mirror, locked my door, turned the lights on bright. I took a good look.   I Definitly noticed some changes. First of all, i noticed stretch marks! Who knew you could get stretch marks from losing weight down there?! They were on the side and towards the back..Ugh. Wonder if I should try rubbing Merderma or Palmer's Cocoa Butter on it.......??   Umm. Nah. I better not.   And do you know how it looks to blow up a raft, balloon, etc., with air? Well that's how it used to look. Now deflate that balloon, raft, etc. That's how it looks now... Wonder if I can get Botox there??   Nah. Sounds painful.   Guess ill just have to live with this saggy vaggy. I wonder if any other WLS female patients have noticed sagging in well.. Unusual areas.   Nah. Probably just me.



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