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Waiting.. Still
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One Step Closer..
Still nothing.
Still Waiting
2. Don't be so down - I have been really down on myself lately, and I joke my way through it but I now know that I need to be positive and know that I CAN do this! 3. Socialize - I literally can spend days just at home offering to babysit or just on the laptop/writing. Just so I don't have to go out, I hate it when people look at me, my mind automatically turns to paranoia "they're talking about me" "she's judging me" funny thing is, I was the one judging them for thinking they're judging me. 4. Diet! - Yess I gave up on that too, I need to loose some more before I go bug the surgeon. So yeah, that's all I have so far, but it's a start, right? Hopefully this time next year I'm well on my way and hopefully without jinxing it, waiting/had the sleeve done. I'm only really making this blog so I can motivate myself and look back in a few years and (hopefully) be proud of myself. I'll be posting every week, so for now.. That's it
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