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"I can do this"

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It's been a long time

I finally have got my act back together. I am eating low carbs and trying to get my protein and my water intake and my exercise back together. Christmas was horrible. Sugar goes in way to easy. Meat is hard. I have had a whole week of eating right. I still need to work on my water intake though. Exercise is better. Trying to do a curcuit class three times a week and lifting a minimum of three times a week too. I just need to keep on going. I would like to loose 100 lbs before my year mark. February 12 will be my 6 month mark. I should make it to 50 by then. I am at about 46.





I am very excited. I went shopping today. I needed to buy some new pants. I went from a 24 tight to 20 in pants and my shirts that I was wearing a size 22-24 I bought, 14-16. It was really fun.   My husband asked me tonight if I was really following the plan. I know I have good days and bad days. I think for the most part I am working the plan. I feel like I could be doing better, but I know I am doing good. I am making much better choices and not eating near as much as I use to. I still think at times I eat to much though.   Well, I am 34 pounds down and 10+ inches lost. Yeah!!!!!:clap2:




It's been a while

It has been a while since i have journaled, but I am doing good. I have great restriction with my band. Some days are harder than others, and I am really working on eating the right things. I have hit the 30 pound weight loss mark and I am thrilled.   Yesterday I went to the fair. I kept getting really annoyed because my butt crack kept getting cold because my pants kept falling down below my butt. What a terrible problem to have:whoo:   I have also decided that I will no longer eat while driving in the car. I always end of throwing up. I commute a long way and often need to eat dinner before I get home from work. I am just going to have to stop and eat instead of trying to eat in the car.:mad:   Well, all is going well. It isn't as easy as I thought it would be, but it is definately worth it.:clap2:





:whoo:For the first time I am feeling restriction from my fill. I ate so little today. It only took a few bites to get full. This is what I have been waiting for. Hopefully, I will take off weight a little quicker now.   I really need to focus on eating my protein and stop when I am full. :hungry:   I can do this!!!!!




This is hard

This isn't nearly what I expected. It is harder than I expected. I have to fight everyday with eating the right things. It seems that I do well during the day. I eat high protein during the day, but it seems like by evening all I want is carbs. I had a bad week last week. Ate lots of carbs. Gained about 5 pounds. Today I was back down to my low. I had my sister with me, so it was hard. I got my first fill last week, but I haven't noticed much difference. I got 3/4 of a cc in my 4 cc band. I think they will probably put another 3/4 cc in next week. I so want to loose weight.   So anyway, I know I can do this, it just isn't as easy as I thought it would be.    




Three more days.

It has been a crazy week. I have been busy, but worse yet, I haven't been doing as well with my eating. It seems like I have been on a carb fest. My sister is here and she is 8 months pregnant. She loves to have ice cream in the evening. So, I have been indulging her and myself. I again haven't lost any weight this week. Should that surprise me?:embarassed:   I have an appointment for my fill on Thursday. I am really hoping that this will stop my spiral.   One thing I must say though, is that it is really nice fitting into all the clothes that I grew out of last year. Last night I gave away all of my winter clothes. I had better get on the stick, or I will be in trouble.





I had such a hard time getting food down today. Every time I tried to eat meat (chicken, crab) I pb'd, even after a couple bites. Finally tonight I ate some beans and salmon patty from Costco and a few bites of Mac Salad. It was very good.   I lost another 1/2 pound today. Yeah!!!   Didn't exercise today, but did have a quiet time. I did keep my food journal.




ok day

We had another family dinner tonight and it wasn't easy. I did a lot better than in the past. I ate more carbs than I normally eat in a day, but I think I got all my protein in.   I exercised at the pool, just treading water and water running and keeping my arms moving against the water. I was pooped and I am sore now. 30 more minutes of exercise.   It will be interesting to see if I loose any weight tomorrow as I have lost weight every day for the past 5 days.    




It's been a month

:whoo:It's been a month and I have lost over 25 lbs. The high protein, low carbs has got me back on track and back loosing weight. I have been so excited about getting a fill, but if I keep loosing weight like I have with the low carbs, high protein, then I might not need one. This has been really good for my discipline when it comes to eating.   Today my daughter asked me to go with her to a circuit class. I told her no, because I didn't think I could do it. A couple of months ago I tried and couldn't even make it through the first 15 minutes. She strongly encouraged me to try. I did it!!! I did the whole class. It was an hour long. I am so proud of myself.   I have a lot of support from all my friends at work. One of the girls saw me at the gym and that I had finished the class. She came up to me and told me how happy she was that I was doing so well. It is so nice to have encouragement.   So for the past four days I have been keeping a food journal. It has every bite that I put in my mouth. It has all my protein grams down. I have totaled about 75 grams a day. I have taken off about 5 pounds in the last 3 days. Yeah!!   The only thing I really have struggled with is remembering to eat slowly when I first start eating my dinner meal with all my family. I find myself eating to fast and then pbing again. I have to slow down and knock it off.   I would love to hear comments from anyone who reads my journal and who has any advice, encouragement or anything.    




today wasn't quite as easy!!

I had to go out tonight to a friends for dinner. She had Lumpia and fried rice. I should have brought something with me. Instead I tried a Lumpia and a small spoon of fried rice along with green beans and sugar free lemonade. I quickly progressed to pbing the lumpia and then didn't eat the rice. Other than that, I ate mostly protein all day.   So for the good thing. I have journaled all my food intake for the past three days. It really does help. I have actually totaled up my proteins and carb intake. This is a positive thing.   Again, I can't wait for two weeks from tomorrow. :car:




One day at a time!

Yeah! I made it through one more day. I ate high protein stuff all day and ate only some cauliflower and cantaloupe for carbs. The cantaloupe was a very small amount. It sure tasted good though.   Hopefully I will break my 22 lb mark and drop a few more pounds before I get my fill in 2 weeks. :car:




today was good

I made a commitment to quit eating what was easy to get down and start eating high protein and low carbs. Today was a good day. I started off with a protein shake with some fruit in it. For lunch I had some egg salad with low fat mayo and a cheese stick. For a snack I had another cheese stick. For dinner I had chicken and refried beans. After dinner, alls I wanted was to eat. I instead asked my daughter to go to the gym with me and did 30 minutes of cardio and some weights. When we got home we took the dog for a walk. I am now watching the Mariners who are beating the Red Socks. Can't get better than this. If I can just make it to bed tonight without eating again. I will feel like I have succeeded today.:notagree




"I can do this"

It has been a very difficult 2 weeks. The first 2 weeks weren't so bad as I had no choice but to drink liquids (OK, I had a choice, but I didn't want to ruin the band:)) My problems started with being able to eat mushy and soft foods. I AM AN OVEREATER!!! So, for two weeks, although I have not eaten things I am not suppose to (i.e. bread, lettuce, beef) I have eaten way more than I should. This causes me great frustration and lack of confidence in my self. :phanvan   But today is a new day!! I started a new commitment to eating lower carb, High protein foods that I am suppose to eat. I spent time reading my bible and getting focused, as I know that I can't do this without the Lord. So, here I am. 2 1/2 weeks away from my first fill. I can't wait!!! Yet, I know the Lord has something to teach me about self discipline and just saying NO!!   So everyone, WE CAN DO THIS!!! ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!:clap2::clap2:



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