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My journey to a new life!

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5K, a Family Affair?

Why, yes it is. My mother is two weeks post op, I get my surgery date in two weeks, and My sister really wants to loose a few extra pounds. So what could three fantastic ladies do to accomplish thier goals of skinny jeans, and shirt sizes with no Xs on them? They start training for a 5k! More specifically, the Dirty Girl Mud Run. The proceeds go the help with breast cancer research, it isn't timed, its only for wemon, it has mud AND obstacles! And as if it couldn't get any better, if the obstacales are too much for you, they have detours. This sounds like a recipe for the warm and tingly feelings of accoplishment, pride, girl power! It also sounds like a perfect starting 5k for someone who wouldn't run if you were chasing me with a knife. This may sound mundane to you but our idea of a family endurance sport is seeing who stays awake the longest after dinner. We aren't athletic and never have been. In fact, in my current state, I would probably get about a quarter mie before I curled up in the fetal position and cried. But I have high hopes for the future runner buried deep, deep,deeep within me. We are stating C25K, as soon as my surgeon clears me. It will be interesting to see how we handle this. I think its going to be awesome! They have a mud slide, you guys, a mud slide. nuff said.




Things are looking up!

I'm so excited! My financial whoas are almost over!. The Abstrat it up to date and will be so until September 26th, (how lucky is that? 5yr window and I get a loan the month before it has to be updated!), I have proof of income, and we are going to the bank tomorrow to sign the quit claim deed, and talk about the loan. It feels wonderful knowing that all the paperwork is in order and I have a very good chance of getting this money this week!   The Gma in law called me to appologize for being so negative and told me to not let her influence my decision. I know, right?! She said she knew I was tying to do what was best for my family and that I was a great mom and wife for going thourgh all this for them. Dont know where that came from but I will take it! She is going to sign the papers and help us out.   This week I am taking my mother to her first appt with our surgeon. She will get her date Tuesday and I will get my first appt hopefully! Very excited and ready for the new week!




Insurance, self pay, and in-laws, Oh my!

I started out on this journey very nievely. I assumed if I did everything my Insurance company told me to do, that they would grant me this surgery like a fairy godmother, giving me a new life with a smile in thier face. Unfortunately this is rarely the case, and reality is not as clean cut, or sparkly. I went to my seminar and was chatting up the surgeons PA. She told me that of the 5000+ surgerys that she has been a part of she has only once seen my insurance company pay out. Nice. In other words my chances of getting this approved are 1 in 5000. My fairy bubble was violently popped.   I decided that I didn't want to wait 6 months to be told no, so the next step was self pay. Sure, if I had any money it would be no problem. I had a little in savings but no where near what I needed. I decided to go to the bank and talk it over with a loan officer. He told me my best bet would be to refinance a current loan and it would make my monthly payments just a few dollars more a month. Woot! A fly by fairy dropped some glitter on me!   And then the I got the glitter in my eye. The land I was refinancing was cosigned with my grandma in-law, (we were very young when we got the loan). I am so covered in red tape I cant breath already and now I have to go get a quick claim deed, change over an abstract, and get everything noterized, or I could tell my gma in-law what I needed the money for and humbly beg for a signature. I was told that an abstract update could take up to six weeks, and its harder to get three people together to sign a deed in front of a notary than you'd think, and on top of this I have no idea how much it will cost to file or how lond it will take to process. Even without insurance, I cry for my plight.   I decided to talk to my gma in law just to expidite this little venture, only to find that she thinks I'm making a rash deision, one that she is very against. Yay! So as of today I am completely up in the air. It is frustrating not knowing if I will get to use the collateral that I have been paying on for five years. I made my case with the gma in-law and hopefully there will a decision in the near future. I will keep you updated!



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